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   2022-03-10 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据管道新闻网3月8日消息称,意大利最大的公用事业公司 Enel 准备重新启动在意大利南部建造一个液化天然气接

据管道新闻网3月8日消息称,意大利最大的公用事业公司 Enel 准备重新启动在意大利南部建造一个液化天然气接收站的计划。

在对路透社的评论中,Enel 表示,对意大利来说,增加两个液化天然气接收站将有助于减少与天然气管道的联系。

业内人士称,在西西里岛南部建造一家类似Porto Empedocle这样的工厂,最初的设计产能为每年80亿立方米,可能需要三年以上的时间。

“今年年初,他们取消了这个(Porto Empedocle)项目,因为它不可持续。现在他们又重新启用了。”西西里岛能源经理Daniela Baglieri告诉路透。


朱佳妮 摘译自 管道新闻网


Enel Ready to Resume LNG Plan as Italy Steps Up Gas Hunt

Italy's biggest utility Enel is ready to dust off plans to build an LNG terminal in southern Italy.

In comments to Reuters, Enel said it would be useful for Italy to have two additional LNG terminals to be less tied to gas pipelines.

Industry sources said to build a plant like Porto Empedocle in southern Sicily, originally designed to have a capacity of 8 billion cubic meters per year, could take more than three years.

"At the start of the year they had canceled this (Porto Empedocle) project because it was unsustainable. Now they've resurrected it," Sicily energy manager Daniela Baglieri told Reuters.

Italy’s byzantine permitting process has virtually stopped development of LNG facilities beyond the three plants currently operative and which now account for around 20% of daily imports.

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