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   2022-03-18 互联网综合消息






Adnoc上游执行董事Yaser Saeed Almazrouei表示:“固井服务协议资金将支持Adnoc钻井活动的持续扩张,因为我们提高了产能,巩固了我们作为世界上一些碳效率最高的桶的可靠全球供应商的地位。根据阿联酋领导层的明智指示,作为我们战略的一部分,我们优先考虑国内价值,这些奖项将为阿联酋国民提供职业生涯并为私营部门提供新机会,直接支持阿联酋50年原则的目标。” 



祝精燕 摘译自 阿拉伯贸易


Adnoc awards $658m cementing services deals

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (Adnoc) announced today the award of framework agreements valued at $658 million (AED2.4 billion) for cementing services as it continues to invest to enable drilling growth and expand its crude oil production capacity.  

The framework agreements were awarded to Halliburton Worldwide Limited Abu Dhabi, Baker Middle East, Emirates Western Oil Well Drilling & Maintenance Co, NESR Energy Services and Emjel Oil Field Services, following a competitive tender process. 

Cementing is an important step in the drilling and completion of oil and gas wells. It involves mixing together cement slurry, additives and water and pumping the mixture between the rock formation and well casing to protect and seal the wellbore.

These awards cover Adnoc’s onshore and offshore fields and will run for five years with an option for a further two years. Over 65% of the award value could flow back into the United Arab Emirates economy under Adnoc’s In-Country Value programme over the duration of the agreements, Adnoc said. 

Furthermore, skilled employment opportunities will be created for UAE nationals by the successful companies who will also work to identify local manufacturing opportunities, it said.

Yaser Saeed Almazrouei, Adnoc Upstream Executive Director, said: “The awards for cementing services will support the ongoing expansion of Adnoc’s drilling activities as we grow our production capacity, strengthening our position as a reliable global supplier of some of the world’s most carbon efficient barrels. In line with the UAE Leadership’s wise directives and as part of our strategy, we are prioritizing in-country value and these awards will enable careers for UAE Nationals and new opportunities for the private sector, directly supporting the objectives of the UAE’s Principles of the 50.” 

The smart nature of the awards will enable Adnoc to realise hundreds of millions of dollars in cost savings. As an integral part of its 2030 strategy, Adnoc is optimising its procurement strategy to reflect market dynamics, focusing on long-term contracts with an optimized number of suppliers that provide stable and reliable delivery at highly competitive rates.

The award for cementing services takes the total value of Adnoc’s drilling-related framework agreements and procurement awards since November 2021 to over $8.5 billion (AED31.2 billion). These awards will support Adnoc’s requirement to drill thousands of new wells as it increases its crude oil production capacity to five million barrels per day (mmbpd) by 2030 and drives gas self-sufficiency for the UAE.

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