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   2022-03-18 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据气体世界网2022年3月17日报道,挪威能源公司二氧化碳管理公司 (CO2M)将在德国不来梅港市建立一个二氧化碳

据气体世界网2022年3月17日报道,挪威能源公司二氧化碳管理公司 (CO2M)将在德国不来梅港市建立一个二氧化碳(CO2)转运中心,用于利用或储存捕获的二氧化碳,这是德国首个此类设施。 





在评论这一发展时,CO2M董事总经理Torsten Porwol博士说:“这一提议是无与伦比的,因为德国没有二氧化碳储存设施。”



不来梅港总经理Robert Howe表示,对于脱碳而言,港口是“不可或缺的”基石,他补充说:“不来梅港正在以各种方式准备胜任这一角色,并及时发挥作用。”

李峻 编译自 气体世界网


Germany’s first CO2 hub planned for Bremen

Norwegian energy company CO2 Management AS (CO2M) will build a carbon dioxide (CO2) transshipment hub in the city of Bremen, Germany for the utilisation or storage of captured CO2, marking the first facility of its kind in the country.

The project aims to reduce carbon emissions across hard-to-abate industries such as cement, concrete, chemicals, steel, and waste management. 

To achieve targets set by the Paris Agreement in 2015 carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS) technologies must be scaled up, according to industry. 

Following the signing of a letter of intent with bremenports GmbH & Co. KG (bremenports), CO2M will use the new CO2 hub to store CO2 collected in liquefied form from industrial sites to be recycled or loaded onto ships and exported to permanent storage facilities. 

The location in Bremen provides the hub with direct links to German industrial operations and various offshore CO2 storage facilities planned in Europe. 

Commenting on the development, Dr. Torsten Porwol, Managing Director, CO2M, said, “This offer is unrivalled, as there are no CO2 storage facilities in Germany.” 

With planning, approval, and construction still in its incipient stages, the company revealed that operations at the terminal will not begin for ‘several years’. 

To advance development CO2M has stated that it is currently open to cooperation and seeking interested industrial companies. 

Stating that – for decarbonisation – ports are ‘indispensable’ building blocks, Robert Howe, Managing Director, bremenports, added, “Bremen’s ports are preparing in a variety of ways to fill this role competently and in a timely manner.” 

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