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   2022-03-18 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据管道天然气杂志网3月16日休斯敦报道,根据Refinitiv Eikon的数据显示,周三,在装载或等待装载期间,接近

据管道&天然气杂志网3月16日休斯敦报道,根据Refinitiv Eikon的数据显示,周三,在装载或等待装载期间,接近创纪录数量的液化天然气 (LNG) 油轮继续堵塞在美国墨西哥湾。


咨询公司Kpler的高级商品分析师Reid I'Anson表示,我们已经走出高点,但仍在走高。看到一波又一波的船只来来去去是很正常的。

根据数据显示,周三,有八艘液化天然气油轮停靠在得克萨斯州的自由港和加尔维斯顿港附近。在等待装载的船只中,有“全球海洋精神号”(Global Sea Spirit)和“Flex Aurora号”,它们都是在一个多星期前抵达的。

在墨西哥湾等待的船只数量一定程度上反映了美国输往亚洲的液化天然气量下降。克拉克森公司(Clarksons Plc)的液化天然气船舶经纪人爱德华·沃森(Edward Watson)表示,到欧洲的距离更短,意味着这些船可以跨越大西洋,并更快地返回重新装载。



郝芬 译自 管道&天然气杂志网


US Gulf of Mexico Brimming with LNG Tankers as Exports Rise

A near record number of liquefied natural gas (LNG) tankers continued to jam the U.S. Gulf of Mexico on Wednesday while loading or waiting to load, according to data from Refinitiv Eikon.

about 27 ships were on the way or near LNG terminals along the U.S. Gulf Coast on Wednesday, according to the data. The peak number of tankers was reached on Feb. 28, with 28 vessels. That matched Feb. 10 and Nov. 11 records of between 27 and 28 vessels. 

"We have come off the highs, but are still elevated," Reid I'Anson, senior commodity analyst at consultancy Kpler, said. "It is normal to see waves of vessels come and go."

There were eight LNG tankers near the ports of Freeport and Galveston, Texas, on Wednesday, according to the data. Among the vessels waiting to load were the Global Sea Spirit and Flex Aurora, which each arrived more than a week ago, data showed.

The number of ships waiting in the Gulf of Mexico in part reflects declining U.S. LNG shipments to Asia. The shorter distance to Europe means the vessels can cross the Atlantic and return quicker for re-loading, said Edward Watson, an LNG shipbroker at Clarksons Plc.

LNG export volumes from U.S. Gulf Coast processing plants are expected to reach about 6.47 million tonnes this month, surpassing a record 6.3 million tonnes in January, Kpler said.

Europe, which has been the top destination since December, is expected to remain the largest importer of U.S. LNG in March, according to Refinitiv and Kpler data.

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