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   2022-03-24 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据Romania Insider网站3月23日消息,罗马尼亚国有天然气公司Romgaz的管理层于4月28日召集股东代表,再次批

据Romania Insider网站3月23日消息,罗马尼亚国有天然气公司Romgaz的管理层于4月28日召集股东代表,再次批准与埃克森美孚达成价值10.6亿美元的交易,该公司在给投资者的一份说明中宣布,该交易涉及位于黑海的海王星深水开发项目。


能源部长Virgil Popescu在评论这一进展时估计,2026年之前不会开始生产。





祝精燕 摘译自 Romania Insider


Romgaz shareholders summoned again for USD 1 bln deal with ExxonMobil

The management of Romanian state-controlled natural gas company Romgaz summoned for April 28 the representatives of the shareholders to endorse, once again, the USD 1.06 bln deal with ExxonMobil involving half of the offshore perimeter Neptun Deep in the Black Sea, the company announced in a note to investors.

The company’s management estimates that the completion of the transaction will occur in the second quarter of the current year.

The production will not begin before 2026, energy minister Virgil Popescu estimated, commenting on the development.

Shareholders’ explicit approval is needed for a second time because, since the previous consent, certain clauses of the sale-purchase agreement were adjusted - especially in the sense of covering in favour of Romgaz of certain tax risks - the management explained. According to sources familiar with the deal consulted by Profit.ro, those tax risks are related to the obligation to pay a share transaction tax in the Bahamas, where Exxon’s investment vehicle subject to the deal is registered.

The price of the deal was maintained at USD 1.06 bln, which can be positively adjusted by a maximum of USD 10 mln, while a negative price adjustment is not limited.

Upon signing the sale-purchase agreement, Romgaz will have the obligation to pay the sellers an amount equal to USD 106 mln representing an advance payment/deposit.

After satisfying the conditions precedent required to complete the transaction, as stipulated in the sale-purchase agreement, Romgaz shall pay the amount representing the difference between the acquisition price and the advance payment/deposit paid upon signing the sale-purchase agreement.

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