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   2022-03-23 互联网综合消息


根据挪威雷斯塔能源公司的说法,这很可能是事实。 但令人震惊的不仅仅是圭亚那石油工业可能的长期发展。 另外,圭亚那的石油产量在21世纪30年代将会继续增长,而世界大多数主要的近海深水生产商届时将会看到他们的产量水平下降。  

这是雷斯塔能源公司拉丁美洲分析师Sofia Forestieri在日前举行的加勒比油气虚拟峰会上做出的分析。






雷斯塔能源公司还预计,到那时,除3个深水产油国外,所有深水产油国的原油日产量都将低于100万桶。 预计到2035年,圭亚那仍将以日产170万桶原油速度增长。


李峻 编译自 今日石油网


Guyana on track to become second largest deepwater producer in the world, says Rystad Energy

Authorities in Guyana say the country is committed to supporting an aggressive exploration and production programme off of its coast since it sees revenues coming in from the oil and gas sector as playing a key role in the transformation of the South American nation.

And according to Norway-based Rystad Energy, that may very well be the case. But it isn’t just the likely longevity of Guyana’s oil industry that is striking. It is also that, while Guyana’s production grows in the 2030s, most leading offshore deepwater producers will see their production levels wane.

This is according to analysis from Sofia Forestieri, Latin America analyst for Rystad Energy, during the Caribbean Oil & Gas Virtual Summit last week.

During her presentation of the Caribbean oil & gas industry’s competitive landscape, Forestieri compared the prospects of Guyana and Suriname to the leading deepwater producers around the world, including countries like Norway, the United Kingdom, Mexico and the United States.

She said, “As projects come online, we see Guyana and Suriname ramping up production in a very important, very successful way.”

Guyana’s deepwater development projects at the ExxonMobil-operated Stabroek Block will reach a combined capacity of 340,000 barrels of oil per day (bpd) this year.

Forestieri explains that by 2031, the country is expected to soar beyond one million barrels per day, already overtaking Norway and Angola to be the third largest deepwater producer in the world.

“By 2033, we see Guyana overcoming the US Gulf of Mexico’s output and becoming the second largest deepwater crude producer in the world,” the analyst said.

By then, Rystad Energy also projects that all but three deepwater producers will have production levels below a million barrels a day. In 2035, where the projection ends, Guyana is still shooting upward at about 1.7 million barrels per day.

The only deepwater producer Rystad Energy expects to be above Guyana by then is Brazil, with close to 5 million barrels of oil per day.

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