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   2022-03-31 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据烃加工网站3月25日报道 Aemtis宣布称,已与航空联盟寰宇一家成员芬兰航空公司签署了一项承购协议,在协议

据烃加工网站3月25日报道 Aemtis宣布称,已与航空联盟寰宇一家成员芬兰航空公司签署了一项承购协议,在协议的7年期限内交付1750万加仑的混合可持续航空燃料 (SAF),合同价值约为7000万美元。


芬兰航空可持续发展高级副总裁 Eveliina Huurre表示:“芬兰航空制定了一个雄心勃勃的长期目标,即在2045年实现碳中和,而SAF是实现这一目标的重要组成部分。支持SAF的采用是促进SAF供需和增加其在商业航空中的使用的关键。该协议还强调了航空联盟寰宇一家对集体采购SAF的承诺。”


Aemetics董事长兼首席执行官Eric McAfee表示:“向芬兰航空供应可持续航空燃料是与航空联盟寰宇一家成员签订的20亿美元合同的一部分,旨在减少航空对环境的影响。加州低碳燃料标准的历史性成功使我们在加州生产低碳航空燃料成为可能,为该州弱势少数民族社区创造了新的投资和就业机会。”


王磊 摘译自 烃加工


Aemetis to supply Finnair with 17.5 MMg of SAF

Aemetis announced that an offtake agreement has been signed with oneworld Alliance airline member Finnair for 17.5 MMg of blended sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) to be delivered over the 7 year term of the agreement. The value of the contract including incentives is approximately $70 MM.

SAF provides significant environmental benefits compared to petroleum jet fuel, including a lower lifecycle carbon footprint and reduced contrails. The blended SAF to be supplied under this agreement is 40% SAF and 60% Petroleum Jet A to meet international blending standards.

“Finnair has set an ambitious long-term target to fly carbon neutral in 2045 and SAF is an important part of the toolkit for reaching this target. Supporting SAF adoption is key to boosting the supply and demand for SAF and for increasing its usage in commercial aviation. The agreement also underlines the oneworld Alliance’s commitment to collectively source SAF,” said Eveliina Huurre, SVP Sustainability at Finnair.

The SAF is expected to be produced by the Aemetis renewable jet/diesel plant under development on a 125 acre former U.S. Army Ammunition production plant site in Riverbank, California. The blended SAF is scheduled to begin deliveries to Finnair in 2025.

“The supply of sustainable aviation fuel to Finnair is a part of $2 B of contracts with oneworld Alliance members to reduce the environmental impact of aviation,” said Eric McAfee, Chairman and CEO of Aemetis. “Our production of low carbon aviation fuel in California is made possible by the historical success of the California Low Carbon Fuel Standard, creating new investment and jobs in disadvantaged minority communities in the state.”

Powered by 100% renewable electricity, the Aemetis carbon zero production plant at the Riverbank plant site is designed to sequester CO2 from the production process using injection wells, significantly reducing the carbon intensity of the renewable fuel.

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