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   2022-03-30 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据MRCHUB网站3月29日莫斯科报道,近日,西方石油公司(Occidental)的子公司Oxy Low Carbon Ventures (OLCV)

据MRCHUB网站3月29日莫斯科报道,近日,西方石油公司(Occidental)的子公司Oxy Low Carbon Ventures (OLCV)表示,其已与惠好公司(Weyerhaeuser)签署了一项协议,以评估和开发路易斯安那州的碳捕获和储存(CCS)项目。

如果继续推进,该项目将位于利文斯顿教区,OLCV 的子公司1PointFive已获得在惠好公司控制的30,000多英亩地下孔隙空间上开发和运营CCS装置的独家权利。财务细节或潜在能力没有披露。

OLCV将利用这片土地将工业二氧化碳 (CO2) 永久封存在与石油和天然气生产无关的地下地质构造中,而惠好将继续将地上面积作为工作森林进行管理。

OLCV子公司董事长理查德杰克逊表示,1PointFive 及其计划中的封存中心预计将成为我们业务的扩展部分,将与工业排放商合作捕获、运输和永久储存二氧化碳。

郝芬 译自 MRCHUB


Occidental and Weyerhaeuser considering CCS project in Louisiana

Occidental’s subsidiary Oxy Low Carbon Ventures (OLCV) and Weyerhaeuser have a signed a deal to evaluate and potentially develop a carbon capture and storage (CCS) project in Louisiana, said the company.

If it moves forward, the project is to be located in Livingston Parish, where OLCV’s subsidiary 1PointFive has been granted exclusive right to develop and operate a CCS unit on more than 30,000 acres of subsurface pore space controlled by Weyerhaeuser. Financial details or potential capacities were not disclosed.

OLCV will use the land to permanently sequester industrial carbon dioxide (CO2) in underground geologic formations not associated with oil and gas production, while Weyerhaeuser would continue to manage the aboveground acreage as a working forest.

“1PointFive and its planned sequestration hubs are expected to be an expanding side of our business that will work with industrial emitters to capture, transport and permanently store CO2,” said Richard Jackson, chairman of the OLCV subsidiary.

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