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   2022-03-28 互联网综合消息


据美国彭博新闻社报道,摩根士丹利表示,在过去12个月里,作为电动汽车电池关键成分的碳酸锂的价格已经上涨了5倍。 这可能迫使电动汽车制造商将价格提高15%,这毫无疑问将伤害需求。  

对于电动汽车来说,这一消息来得不是时候。 在美国等一些地区,不断上涨的燃料零售价格推动了电动汽车需求的上升,但由于供应链问题持续存在,以及大多数原材料价格不断上涨,汽车制造商已经发现很难满足这一不断上升的需求。 

由于原材料成本不断上涨,全球最大的电动汽车制造商CATL已经表示,该公司将提高部分产品的价格。 与此同时,特斯拉在一周内两次上调了美国和中国市场的汽车价格。

摩根士丹利分析师在本周的报告中表示:“从历史上看,电池价格成本曲线已经连续多年以每年3%至7%的速度下降,这几乎是不可避免的。但分子并不遵循摩尔定律。 世界已经变了,投入成本的新模式也随之改变了。”


李峻 编译自 美国油价网


Lithium Price Surge Jeopardizes Energy Transition Efforts

Soaring lithium prices are threatening energy transition efforts as EV battery makers will be forced to hike the prices for their products by as much as 25 percent, Morgan Stanley has warned.

Over the past 12 months, the bank said, as quoted by Bloomberg, the price of lithium carbonate, which is a key ingredient in electric vehicle batteries, has jumped five times. This may force EV manufacturers to hike prices by up to 15 percent, hurting demand.

The news comes at a bad time for EVs. Rising retail fuel prices in some parts of the world, such as the United States, are driving higher EV demand, but carmakers are already finding it hard to satisfy it amid persistent supply chain problems and the rising prices of most raw materials.

Because of the rising costs of raw materials, the world’s largest EV manufacturer CATL has already said it would be raising the prices for some of its products. Tesla, meanwhile, raised the prices for its cars for the U.S. and Chinese markets twice in a single week.

“Historically, the battery price cost curve had been declining at a pace of 3% to 7% annually for so many years in a row it almost seemed inevitable,” Morgan Stanley analysts said in their note this week. “But molecules don’t play by the same rules as Moore’s Law. The world has changed, and along with it is a new paradigm of input costs.” 

The electrification of transport is one of the pillars on which energy transition plans stand, along with a buildup in renewable energy generation capacity and hydrogen.

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