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   2022-03-29 互联网综合消息



埃克森美孚将在现场生产 10 种高纯度 LAO 产品,并以 ELEVEXX作为品牌名销售新产品。LAO 分子应用广泛,包括塑料包装、高性能发动机和工业油,以及作为表面活性剂和其他特殊化学品的构建块。

埃克森美孚LAO全球营销经理Mike Fanset表示:“我们打算将合作方式推向市场,将我们的制造和技术专长与客户的配方专长相结合,以创造一个成功的主张。我们在许多市场应用中进行了垂直整合,这使我们能够更好地为客户提供端到端解决方案。”


埃克森美孚贝敦新 LAO 制造部门的风险经理 Denise Burcham 说:“埃克森美孚因其卓越的生产能力和可靠的复杂高效化学品供应而被广泛认可。在新的LAO生产线上,我们整合了先进的分析能力,以评估和确保最高标准的质量和纯度控制。”

埃克森美孚的贝敦工厂是美国最大的综合石化综合体,也是世界上技术最先进的炼油和石化综合体之一。该综合体成立于 1919 年,位于休斯顿以东约 25 英里的休斯敦航道沿线,占地约 3400 英亩。该设施包括炼油厂、化工厂、烯烃厂、塑料厂和技术中心。

朱佳妮 摘译自 烃加工新闻


ExxonMobil LAO production unit progresses toward commercial startup

ExxonMobil has announced that construction of the new linear alpha olefins (LAO) manufacturing unit at its Baytown, Texas, integrated petrochemical complex is progressing and targeting commercial start up in mid-2023.

When fully operational, the new facility will have the capacity to produce approximately 350 000 tpy of LAO.

ExxonMobil will manufacture 10 high-purity LAO products at the site and market the new offering under the ELEVEXX brand name. LAO molecules are used in a broad range of applications, including in plastic packaging, high-performing engine and industrial oils, and as building blocks for surfactants and other specialty chemicals.

“We intend to bring a collaborative approach to the market, combining our manufacturing and technical expertise with our customers’ formulation expertise to create a winning proposition,” said Mike Fanset, Global Marketing Manager for LAO at ExxonMobil. “We are vertically integrated across a number of market applications which better positions us to bring end-to-end solutions to our customers.”

The new manufacturing facility will feature the latest quality control technology, including in-line analysers engineered to assess product quality and purity in real time, helping to maximise finished LAO molecule consistency and supply reliability.

“ExxonMobil is widely recognised for manufacturing excellence and reliably delivering complex, high-performing chemicals. With the new LAO line, we are incorporating advanced analytic capabilities to assess and assure the highest standard of quality and purity control,” said Denise Burcham, Venture Manager for the new LAO manufacturing unit in Baytown at ExxonMobil.

ExxonMobil’s Baytown facility is the largest integrated petrochemical complex in the US and is one of the most technologically advanced refining and petrochemical complexes in the world. Founded in 1919, the complex is located on approximately 3400 acres along the Houston Ship Channel, about 25 miles east of Houston. The facility includes a refinery, chemical plant, olefins plant, plastics plant and technology centre.

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