科技是第一生产力、人才是第一资源、创新是第一动力 加快建设科技强国,实现高水平科技自立自强
氢能科技 沙蓬绿色种养产业模式 联源科技 超联科技 园区 园区 园区 园区 园区


   2022-01-30 上海科技
核心提示:外国专家朋友们:    在中国传统节日虎年新春来临之际,我们谨向在沪工作的外国专家和你们的家人,致以







  过去一年,为了帮助外国朋友们工作更安心、办事更便利,我们推出了外国人工作许可“不见面”审批政策4.0版,将外国人工作许可审批权下放至全部16个区和临港新片区,会同相关部门建立外籍人才薪酬购付汇便利通道“FAST PASS”,将外国人工作和居留许可“单一窗口”纳入“一网通办”,我们还举办了丰富多彩的“慰问外国专家云聚会”“外国人才在上海国际沙龙”“上海外籍人才招聘会”等活动,帮助外国专家搭建沟通交流平台,拓展事业发展空间,一系列举措受到了广大外国专家的欢迎。








Chinese New Year Greetings for Foreign Experts in Shanghai


Dear Foreign Friends,


  With the Chinese Spring Festival just over a week away, we would like to extend our warm greetings and best wishes to you and your family.


  In 2021, which was the first year of the 14th Five-Year Plan period, substantial progress was made in transforming Shanghai into an international scientific and technology innovation center.


  There were a number of unique accomplishments. Quality innovation platforms have sprung up. The environment for innovation and entrepreneurship has been made more attractive. Policies and services for foreign talents have been greatly improved.


  To date, Shanghai has awarded nearly 330,000 work permits to foreigners, including 60,000 in Category A (Foreign High-end Talents), placing it first in China for attracting both foreign and high-end talent.


  Last year, to create a favorable working environment and streamline procedures, Shanghai released the online Approval for Foreigners’ Work Permit Policy Version 4, and delegated the approval of foreigners’ work permits to 16 districts and the Lingang New Area.


  We were the first to introduce the Fast Pass that hastens the process of buying foreign currency for foreign talents. The single window for foreigners’ work permits and residence permits was included in Government Online-Offline Shanghai.


  All kinds of activities such as the Shanghai New Year Gala for Foreign Experts, Foreign Talents in Shanghai Salon, and Recruitment of Foreign Talents in Shanghai were rolled out, thus establishing communication platforms for foreign experts as well as expanding the space for career development.


  It’s high time to embark on a new journey. In 2022, we will strive to make Shanghai a place where foreign talents can pursue and realize their dreams by creating a top-level talent highland and developing a good ecology with more open and convenient policies.


  Your continued commitment, support, and involvement in Shanghai's development are highly appreciated.


  We sincerely look forward to your ideas and efforts in building Shanghai into “Five Centers” and to a better future together!


  Finally, we wish all of you and your families good health, prosperous careers, and all the best in the new year!


  Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality

  Shanghai Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs

  January 29, 2022

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