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在政府退还款项后 壳牌公司在北海的业务将免税

   2022-04-07 互联网综合消息



2016年,时任财政大臣的乔治 奥斯本(George Osborne)对税收规则进行了修改,他希望在油价暴跌的情况下大幅削减退役石油项目的成本。



英国工党前党魁、前能源与气候变化大臣埃德·米利班德(Ed Miliband)表示:“壳牌去年从纳税人那里得到了数百万美元,同时享受着近200亿美元的创纪录利润,这一事实比以往任何时候都更清楚,政府应该要求它们支付公平的份额。”


季廷伟 摘译自 伦敦金融城早报


Shell goes tax free in the North Sea after £100m government refund

Energy giant Shell paid no tax on its North Sea oil and gas production last year even as the global energy crunch saw it profits soar to more than $19bn.

The London-headquartered firm bagged tax refunds relating to the decommissioning of old oil platforms in the North Sea, meaning it received $131.8m from the UK treasury in 2021, according to details of its payments to government released yesterday.

Changes to the tax rules were introduced in 2016 by then-chancellor George Osborne, who looked to slash the cost of decommissioning oil projects amid plunging prices.

The changes were aimed at increasing investment into the industry and incentivising firms to wind down their operations. Shell’s largest decommissioning project is the Brent oil and gasfield, consisting of four oil platforms.

The disclosure from Shell comes amid demand from campaigners and politicians for a windfall tax to be slapped on the energy majors, after soaring energy prices saw them rake in bumper profits last year.

Ed Miliband, Labour’s shadow secretary for climate change, said: “The fact that Shell is receiving millions from the taxpayer whilst enjoying near record profits of almost $20 billion last year makes it clearer than ever that they should be required by the government to pay their fair share.”

Shell says the government has received £20bn in tax revenues from its largest North Sea  Brent oil and gasfield since it started producing in 1976, and that the total refunds it receives will be “significantly less than the tax payments made”.

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