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EnBW 从德国的Stade LNG终端购买 LNG

   2022-04-06 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据世界天然气4月2日消息称,根据与Hanseatic energy Hub的新协议,德国能源公司EnBW每年将从Stade LNG终端

据世界天然气4月2日消息称,根据与Hanseatic energy Hub的新协议,德国能源公司EnBW每年将从Stade LNG终端购买至少30亿立方米的天然气。

EnBW 在 3 月 31 日的一份声明中表示,它正在不断努力使其采购组合多样化。公司计划大幅增加液化天然气的份额。

因此,EnBW 现在与 Hanseatic Energy Hub 签署了谅解备忘录 (MoU)。Hanseatic Energy Hub在德国北部建造 Stade LNG 进口终端。

作为第一步,EnBW 将通过 LNG 接收站购买至少30亿立方米/年的天然气。它还在就进一步的合作形式举行会谈。

这个 Stade LNG 终端将成为向德国进口 LNG 的中心枢纽。Hanseatic energy Hub将于 2026 年投入使用,计划再气化能力约为每年 120 亿立方米。



曹海斌 摘译自 世界天然气


EnBW to buy LNG from Germany’s Stade LNG terminal

German energy company EnBW will buy at least three billion cubic meters of natural gas per year from the Stade LNG terminal under a new deal with Hanseatic Energy Hub.

In a statement from 31 March, EnBW said it is undergoing consistent efforts to diversify its procurement portfolio. The company plans to significantly increase the share of liquefied natural gas.

Therefore, EnBW now signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Hanseatic Energy Hub. The Hanseatic Energy Hub is behind constructing the Stade LNG import terminal in the North of Germany.

As a first step, EnBW will buy at least 3 bcma of natural gas via the LNG terminal. It is also holding talks on further forms of cooperation.

This Stade LNG terminal is to become a central hub for the import of LNG to Germany. The Hanseatic Energy Hub will be ready to use from 2026 with a planned regasification capacity of around 12 billion cubic meters per annum (bcma).

Moreover, up to 10 per cent of Germany’s gas requirements can be covered by this import infrastructure.

Besides LNG, the terminal is also designed for low-carbon energy sources such as bio-LNG and synthetic methane in the first phase. In the second phase, the hub will also import hydrogen-based fuels, such as ammonia.

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