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道达尔能源和OMV Petrom获保加利亚近海勘探两年延期许可

   2022-04-20 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据Romania-Insider网站4月19日消息,Seenews网站报道,保加利亚能源部表示,已将2012年授予的黑海1-21 Han

据Romania-Insider网站4月19日消息,Seenews网站报道,保加利亚能源部表示,已将2012年授予的黑海1-21 Han Asparuh海上区块的石油和天然气勘探许可证再延长两年。罗马尼亚石油和天然气公司OMV Petrom持有该区块42.9%的权益。

该许可证于2012年扩展到法国能源巨头道达尔能源(现为TotalEnergies)及其合作伙伴雷普索尔(于2020年退出运营)和OMV——自2020年起被其子公司罗马尼亚石油和天然气集团OMV Petrom取代。




祝精燕 摘译自 Romania-Insider.com


Total and OMV Petrom get two-year extension to explore offshore perimeter in Bulgaria

The Bulgarian energy ministry said it extended by another two years the oil and natural gas exploration permit granted in 2012 for the 1-21 Han Asparuh offshore block in the Black Sea, where Romanian oil and gas company OMV Petrom holds a 42.9% interest, Seenews.com reported.

The permit was extended in 2012 to French energy major Total (now TotalEnergies) and its partners Repsol (which pulled out of the operations in 2020) and OMV - since 2020 replaced by its subsidiary, Romanian oil and gas group OMV Petrom.

The permit was extended for the third time at the request of the two companies, which informed of the discovery of a promising area in the block that allows for additional testing for potential deposits, the Bulgarian ministry said.

Total E&P Bulgaria and OMV Offshore Bulgaria, the local project companies of the two foreign oil groups, plan to make a total investment of about EUR 1.46 mln in the next exploration period, the Bulgarian Ministry of Energy stated.

The project is particularly important from the point of view of Bulgaria's energy security, the energy minister stressed. Under the terms of the contract sealed in 2012, the operators committed to investing over EUR 1 bln in the gas exploration process, the Bulgarian economy ministry said at the time.

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