科技是第一生产力、人才是第一资源、创新是第一动力 加快建设科技强国,实现高水平科技自立自强
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   2022-04-20 互联网综合消息


4月14日,美国主要中心的天然气交易价格达到7.30美元/百万英热单位,今年以来已上涨96%,达到创纪录的13年高点。 这一价格使得消耗大量天然气的公司呼吁限制新建液化天然气工厂。  

切尼尔能源公司执行副总裁阿纳托尔· 费金在该公司的萨宾帕斯液化天然气出口终端接受采访时表示:“在经历了相对较长一段时间的投资不足之后,我们现在正在经历对行业的需求冲击。”





李峻 编译自 天然气加工新闻网


Cheniere Energy exec says surging U.S. natgas prices will spur production

Cheniere Energy said surging U.S. natural gas prices reflect past underinvestment followed by "a demand shock" as Europe seeks to wean itself from the big produce country’s gas, and that high prices will spur more production that will benefit consumers. 

Gas traded at the main U.S. hub hit $7.30 per million British thermal units (MMBtus) on Thursday, up 96% this year to a 13-year high on record demand. Those prices has companies that consume lots of natural gas calling for curbs on new LNG plants.

"What we are going through now is a demand shock to the industry that came after a relatively long period of underinvestment," Executive Vice President Anatol Feygin said in an interview at Cheniere's Sabine Pass LNG export terminal.

"We think the resource is there and our ability to attract that resource and bring it into the right markets will ultimately result in a more attractive domestic gas price," he added.

Feygin said its existing Louisiana and Texas operations, which together can supply up to 45 MMtpy, have ample unused space that could allow for future expansions.

The spike in LNG demand from Europe, has not changed Cheniere's focus on its Asia markets, he said.

"Ultimately the driver of growth for energy demand, for natural gas and LNG, we think is going to continue to be Asia. The plurality of those long-term, 20 plus year agreements have been with Asian counterparties,” Feygin said.

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