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   2022-04-20 互联网综合消息




NESR首席执行官兼董事长Sherif Foda表示:“我们是该地区第一家成功实施多个综合增产项目的国家服务提供商,我们非常自豪能被选为这一旗舰压裂奖的服务提供商之一。”




季廷伟 摘译自 阿利伯贸易


NESR seals $300m Saudi Aramco fracturing contract

National Energy Services Reunited Corporation (NESR), a global industry-leader in provision of integrated energy services in the Middle East and North Africa (Mena) region, has announced that the company has been awarded one of the major contracts for integrated rig-less stimulation and testing services (Conventional Fracturing) across Saudi Arabia. 

These contracts, worth approximately $300 million are for a total period of three years with an option for a further extension of two years, said a statement from NESR. 

It will cover fracturing, testing, wireline, coiled tubing, slickline services and all associated chemistry, logistics and site services to conduct these operations, it added.

NESR CEO and Chairman Sherif Foda said: "We were the first national service providers in the region to successfully execute multiple integrated stimulation projects across the region and we are extremely proud to have been selected among a short list of service providers for this flagship fracturing award."

NESR, he stated, aims to deliver innovative processes and technologies to take this project to the next level "as our client leads the way in technology adoption and efficiency."

"In addition, we look forward to working closely with Saudi Aramco, in line with its net-zero and sustainability goals, to minimise the carbon footprint of these operations, introduce breakthrough Zero Liquid Discharge technologies to recycle the produced water, and to provide minerals and freshwater not only to the operations but to the community around us," noted Foda. 

"It is always a pleasure to work closely with Saudi Aramco not only as the world's most reliable energy provider but also as a world class technology incubator and adopter of disruptive innovations," he added.

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