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   2022-04-15 互联网综合消息


该集团可再生能源业务负责人Bruno Bensasson周三在新闻发布会上说,这家法国公用事业公司去年在可再生能源领域投入了近20亿欧元(合21.7亿美元),计划在2022年大幅提高这一数字。Bensasson是EDF可再生能源部门的负责人,该部门负责EDF的太阳能、风能和储能业务。

与此同时,法国电力创新部门负责人Alexandre Perra表示,该公司还计划在2030年之前成为绿色氢燃料领域的领先者,并计划在这期间开发30亿瓦的项目。Alexandre Perra在同一个新闻发布会上说,这些项目将需要20亿至30亿欧元的联合融资投资,包括工业伙伴关系和国家支持。法国电力公司的多数股权为法国政府所有。


季廷伟 摘译自 市场观察


EDF Plans Further Renewables Investment This Year; Targets Hydrogen Projects

Electricite de France SA plans to increase spending on development of renewable energy by nearly 30% this year as it aims to boost its position in green hydrogen, according to two executives.

The French utility spent close to 2 billion euros ($2.17 billion) on renewables last year and aims to significantly increase that figure in 2022, group renewable-energy chief Bruno Bensasson told a press conference Wednesday. Mr. Bensasson is head of EDF Renewables, a unit grouping EDF's solar, wind and energy-storage activities.

EDF meanwhile also plans to become a leader in green hydrogen by 2030, with a plan to develop projects of three gigawatts between now and then, according to innovation chief Alexandre Perra. The projects will entail jointly financed investment amounting to EUR2 billion-EUR3 billion, including industrial partnerships and state support, Mr. Perra told the same press conference. EDF is majority-owned by the French state.

The company, a major player in the production of nuclear energy, aims to be present across the value chain of hydrogen production, but doesn't plan to make electrolyzers, Mr. Perra added.

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