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   2022-04-14 互联网综合消息


已获批准的4个海上石油开发项目包括:丽莎一期5亿桶、丽莎二期6亿桶、帕拉亚6亿桶和Yellowtail9亿桶。 在这些项目的开采周期内,将有26亿桶石油被开采出来。

这4个海上石油开发项目还包括139口开发井,其中Yellowtail项目有最多51口开发井,其次是帕拉亚开发项目有41口开发井、丽莎二期开发项目有30口开发井和丽莎一期开发项目有 17口开发井。 丽莎二期的盈亏平衡油价最低,为25美元,其次是Yellowtail29美元,帕拉亚32美元和丽莎一期35美元。




李峻 编译自 今日石油网


Exxon targeting 2.6 billion barrels of oil at four Guyana projects

Guyana has so far approved a total of four offshore developments at the ExxonMobil-operated Stabroek Block, that when combined, will be targeting just over 25 percent of the 10 billion oil equivalent barrels found so far since 2015.

The projects approved to date are Liza Phase 1 – 500 million barrels, Liza Phase 2 – 600 million barrels, Payara – 600 million barrels and Yellowtail – 900 million barrels. This will see a total of 2.6 billion barrels of oil being developed over the life of these projects. The projects also feature a combined 139 development wells with Yellowtail being the largest at 51, followed by Payara – 41, Liza Phase 2 – 30 and Liza Phase 1 – 17. Liza Phase 2 has the lowest breakeven at $25 followed by Yellowtail – $29, Payara – $32, and Liza Phase 1 – $35.

ExxonMobil anticipates operating around 10 floating production storage and offloading vessels to develop the 10 billion barrels found so far but has said the volume of oil at the prolific Stabroek Block could well double in the coming years.

Meanwhile, Guyana has been preparing for a major transformation from the windfall with mega projects being planned and implemented that will see a total shift in the country’s infrastructure, including new roads and bridges.

Already a new modern bridge over the Demerara River is being targeted and new road networks are already being rolled out in the South American country.

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