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   2022-04-14 互联网综合消息




根据欧佩克第二手来源的数据,沙特阿拉伯3月份的原油日产量增加5.4万桶,至1026.2万桶。 相比之下,根据欧佩克+协议,沙特阿拉伯3月份的原油产量日配额为1033.1万桶。 欧佩克在4月12日的报告中称,沙特阿拉伯自报3月份原油日产量为1030万桶。 阿联酋将其3月份原油日产量提高2.3万桶,至298.3万桶,而配额为297.6万桶。 科威特3月份的原油日产量增加2.5万桶,达到263.9万桶,与欧佩克+协议中的配额持平。 

尽管阿拉伯海湾产油国或多或少履行了配额规定,但尼日利亚、刚果和安哥拉等非洲产油国的产量却出现了下降,尼日利亚3月份原油日产量下降2.4万桶,至135.4万桶。 与尼日利亚171.8万桶的配额相比,这是一个巨大的不足。

在今年非欧佩克产油国的预期供应方面,欧佩克将其原油日供应增长预期下调30万桶,至270万桶,这主要是由于大国3月份的原油日产量下调53万桶。 但欧佩克将美国3月份原油日产量增长预估上调26万桶。


李峻 编译自 美国油价网


OPEC Raises Oil Production By Just 57,000 Bpd In March

OPEC raised its oil production by just 57,000 barrels per day (bpd) in March from February, as African members’ struggles to pump more crude partially offset increases at the core OPEC members of the Middle East.

All 13 OPEC members which are exempted from the OPEC+ deal—pumped 28.56 million bpd in March, up by just 57,000 bpd from February, according to secondary sources in OPEC’s Monthly Oil Market Report (MOMR) published on Tuesday.

Crude oil output increased mainly in the three Arab Gulf producers—Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the UAE, while production in Nigeria, and Congo declined.

Saudi Arabia raised its production by 54,000 bpd to 10.262 million bpd in March, according to OPEC’s secondary sources. That compares with 10.331 million bpd quota for Saudi Arabia for March per the OPEC+ deal. The Saudis self-reported March crude oil production of 10.300 million bpd, OPEC said in its report today. The UAE raised its production by 23,000 bpd to 2.983 million bpd, per OPEC’s secondary sources, compared to a quota of 2.976 million bpd. Kuwait’s production rose by 25,000 bpd to 2.639 million bpd, in line with its quota under the OPEC+ deal.

While the Arab Gulf producers more or less complied with their quotas, African producers such as Nigeria, Congo, and Angola saw their production drop, with Nigeria’s output down by 24,000 bpd to 1.354 million bpd. That’s a massive underachievement compared to Nigeria’s quota of 1.718 million bpd.

In terms of expected supply from non-OPEC producers this year, OPEC revised down its supply growth estimate by 300,000 bpd to growth of 2.7 million bpd, mostly due to a downward revision of liquids production—down by 530,000 bpd. OPEC, however, raised its estimate for U.S. crude oil production growth by 260,000 bpd.

“While most US oil companies continue to focus on paying off debts and returning capital to shareholders, increasing drilling and completion trends could translate into higher production levels in the coming months,” the cartel said. “Therefore, the US liquids supply growth forecast for 2022 is revised up by 0.26 mb/d to 1.29 mb/d.”

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