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   2022-04-18 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据OE网站4月15日报道,希腊碳氢化合物委员会(Hydrogens commission)的一名高级管理人员周四表示,随着雅

据OE网站4月15日报道,希腊碳氢化合物委员会(Hydrogens commission)的一名高级管理人员周四表示,随着雅典加快天然气勘探,以减少对大国能源的依赖,希腊可能拥有超过6000亿立方米的可采天然气储量。


希腊碳氢化合物委员会首席执行官Aristofanis Stefatos在接受路透社采访时表示,就储量而言,我们目前的估计是,85%的暂测总储量实际上是天然气。对目标的初步评估表明,初步可采资源量超过6000亿立方米.


道达尔、埃克森美孚和希腊石油(Hellenic Petroleum)组成的一个财团,获得了在克里特岛附近两个区块进行勘探的许可,目前尚未完成该程序。







郝芬 译自 OE网


Greek Recoverable Gas Reserves Seen Topping 600 bcm

Greece could be sitting on tentative recoverable gas reserves of more than 600 billion cubic meters, a senior executive of its hydrocarbons commission said on Thursday, as Athens accelerates gas exploration to cut its reliance on Russian energy.

Greece covers nearly 40% of its annual energy consumption of about six billion cubic meters with gas.

"Volume-wise, our estimates right now are that 85% of tentative total reserves are actually natural gas," the Chief Executive Officer of Greece's hydrocarbons commission Aristofanis Stefatos told Reuters in an interview.

"Preliminary evaluations of targets suggest more than 600 bcm (billion cubic meters) of tentative recoverables," he said.

Collecting seismic data through survey vessels is a key step in gas exploration to identify potential reserves. Greece aims to conclude a first round of all seismic research by March 2023.

A consortium of TotalEnergies, Exxon Mobil, and Hellenic Petroleum, licensed to explore at two blocks off Crete, has not concluded the process yet.

Environmental groups have also appealed an assessment by authorities on the environmental impact of gas exploration off Crete, saying it fails to include the impact of seismic surveys on sea mammals and that the potential risk of exploration outweighed any benefits. A court ruling is pending.

Stefatos said the arguments were based mainly on legal technicalities and the commission was "quite optimistic" of winning the case.

Greece's priority is to look for gas and not for oil, he said: "This eliminates the possibility of an oil spill and minimizes any environmental risks".

Greece, which views gas as a transition fuel as it ramps up renewables, has produced small quantities of oil in the past and has attempted to explore its hydrocarbon potential.

But a shift to green energy and lack of political will have stalled its exploration plans.

"What has changed is the sense of urgency to push ahead with the development of Greece's upstream sector," Stefatos said.

"Now that prices and market demand have returned to high levels ... we have the market conditions for an acceleration of all these efforts."

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