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   2022-04-15 互联网综合消息



这些区块被总共13家公司收购,其中一家是巴西的新进入者(CE Engenharia)。


壳牌巴西勘探总监Manoela Lopes说:“第三次永久报价拍卖是我们关注巴西的另一个里程碑,巴西占壳牌全球石油和天然气产量的13%左右。这个新领域进一步扩大了我们在巴西的投资组合,自21世纪初以来,我们一直在巴西担任运营商。” 


另一方面,道达尔能源获得了两个勘探区块SM-1711和SM-1815的100%权益,分别获得 了1.5亿雷亚尔和1.25亿雷亚尔的签字费。

ANP总干事Rodolfo Saboia表示,招标结果超出了最佳预期。

祝精燕 摘译自 海上能源


Shell and TotalEnergies win fresh exploration blocks offshore Brazil

Oil majors Shell and TotalEnergies have secured six and two offshore exploration blocks, respectively, in the Santos basin offshore Brazil as part of the country’s latest bid round.

Brazil’s National Petroleum Agency, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) on Wednesday held the public bidding session of the 3rd Cycle of the Open Acreage in the Concession Model. In the auction, 59 exploration blocks were acquired in 6 basins, generating R$ 422.4 million in signature bonus – a premium of 854.84 per cent – and will result in at least R$ 406.3 million in investments in the first phase of the contract alone (exploration phase).

The blocks were acquired by a total of 13 companies, one of which is a new entrant in Brazil (CE Engenharia).

European major Shell, in partnership with Ecopetrol Oil and Gas, closed blocks S-M-1599, S-M-1601, S-M-1713, S-M-1817, S-M-1908 and S-M-1910, all in the Santos Basin. Shell Brasil will operate the blocks with a 70 per cent interest and pay a total of R$ 98.158 million in subscription bonuses.

“The third Permanent Offer auction was another milestone in our focus in Brazil, which accounts for about 13% of Shell’s global oil and gas production. This new area further expands our portfolio in Brazil, where we have been acting as operators since the beginning of the 21st century,” said Manoela Lopes, Director of Exploration at Shell Brasil.

With the block acquired in the 3rd Permanent Offer of exploration areas, Shell Brazil now holds more than 30 oil and gas contracts in the country.

On the other hand, TotalEnergies secured a 100 per cent interest in each of the two exploration blocks, S-M-1711 and S-M-1815, with signature bonuses of R$ 150 million and R$ 125 million, respectively.

ANP’s Director General, Rodolfo Saboia, said the results of the bidding round exceeded the best expectations.

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