科技是第一生产力、人才是第一资源、创新是第一动力 加快建设科技强国,实现高水平科技自立自强
氢能科技 沙蓬绿色种养产业模式 联源科技 超联科技 园区 园区 园区 园区 园区


   2022-04-22 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据油气新闻4月21日消息称,印度政府周三数据显示,2022年3月,印度原油产量降至252.611万吨 (TMT),比当月

据油气新闻4月21日消息称,印度政府周三数据显示,2022年3月,印度原油产量降至252.611万吨 (TMT),比当月目标产量低12.49%,比2021年同期产量低3.37%。





2021年4月至2022年3月期间,OIL 累计原油产量为298.684万吨,比去年同期产量高出1.68%,但比同期目标低10.17%。

曹海斌 摘译自 油气新闻


India’s crude oil production falls 3.37 per cent in March

India’s crude oil production in March 2022 fell to 2,526.11 thousand metric tonnes (TMT), which is 12.49 per cent lower than the target for the month and 3.37 per cent lower than the output recorded during the same month in 2021, the government data showed on Wednesday.

Cumulative crude oil production during April-March, 2021-22 stood at 29,690.78 TMT, which is 11.67 per cent and 2.63 per cent lower than target for the period and production during the corresponding period of the last year, respectively, according to data released by the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas.

Crude oil production by Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) in nomination block during March 2022 was 1,681.60 TMT, which is 12.62 per cent lower than the target of the month and 1.84 per cent lower when compared with production of March 2021.

Cumulative crude oil production by onGC during April-March, 2021-22 was 19,451.23 TMT, which is 13.82 per cent and 3.62 per cent lower than the target for the period and production during the corresponding period of last year respectively.

Crude oil production by Oil India Ltd (OIL) in the nomination block during March 2022 was 257.43 TMT, which is 3.13 per cent higher when compared with production of March 2021 but 17.34 per cent lower than target of the month.

Cumulative crude oil production by OIL during April-March 2021-22 was 2986.84 TMT, which is 1.68 per cent higher than the production during the corresponding period of last year but 10.17 per cent lower than the target for the period.

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