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   2022-04-26 互联网综合消息

据油气新闻网4月25日报道,总部位于阿联酋的顶级可再生能源公司马斯达尔(Masdar)和哈桑·阿拉姆公用事业公司(Hassan Allam Utilities)已与埃及国家支持的组织签署协议,以在苏伊士运河经济区和地中海沿岸开发绿色氢气生产厂。



马斯达尔首席执行官 Mohamed Jameel Al Ramahi表示,这些协议代表了阿联酋和埃及在发展绿色氢经济方面迈出的重要一步,并将在我们两国的脱碳努力中发挥重要作用。通过与Hassan Allam Utilities等合作伙伴合作,我们可以帮助绿色氢市场在未来几年充分发挥其潜力,并在支持全球能源转型方面发挥作用。

Hassan Allam Holding首席执行官Amr Allam称,我们进军绿色能源和基础设施领域,包括太阳能和风力发电,都是为了更可持续的未来作出贡献。通过与马斯达尔的合作,我们希望通过利用该国丰富的绿色能源资源,利用领先的技术为埃及带来改变。并补充道,在项目的第一阶段,Hassan Allam Utilities和马斯达尔计划建立一个绿色氢气制造设施,将于2026年投入运营,每年生产10万吨e-甲醇,用于苏伊士运河的燃料补给。到2030年,位于苏伊士运河经济区和地中海的电解槽设施可扩展至4吉瓦,生产230万吨用于出口的绿色氨,并为当地工业提供绿色氢。

郝芬 译自 油气新闻网


Masdar to develop 4GW green hydrogen plants in Egypt

UAE-based Masdar, a top renewable energy company, and Hassan Allam Utilities have signed agreements with Egyptian state-backed organizations on the development of green hydrogen production plants in the Suez Canal Economic Zone and on the Mediterranean coast.

Mostafa Kamal Madbouly, Prime Minister of Egypt, said the state is working to encourage investment in green energy projects, due to Egypt's potential to become an important pivotal and regional hub in this vital sector, which is expected to transform the global energy system during the upcoming period. These projects will also accelerate energy transition process in the region.

Dr Sultan bin Ahmed Al Jaber, UAE Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology, UAE Special Envoy for Climate Change and Chairman of Masdar, said: "Today’s partnership agreements to explore the development of green hydrogen production demonstrates the strength of the close relationship between The United Arab Emirates and the Arab Republic of Egypt.

“These projects will build on the UAE’s and Masdar’s position as an early mover in the global hydrogen market and expand our capacity to deliver zero carbon energy solutions. As our two countries prepare to host the next two COPs, we look forward to working with our partners in Egypt to make practical advances in the energy transition that will provide significant benefits for the economy and the climate."

Mohamed Jameel Al Ramahi, Chief Executive Officer of Masdar, said: "These agreements represent a vital step forward in the development of the green hydrogen economy for both the UAE and Egypt, and will play a significant role in our two nations’ decarbonization efforts. By working with partners such as Hassan Allam Utilities, we can help the green hydrogen market achieve its full potential over the coming years and play its part in supporting the global energy transition."

Amr Allam, Chief Executive Officer of Hassan Allam Holding, said, "Our drive into the green energy and infrastructure space, including solar and wind power generation, was all about contributing to a more sustainable future. Through this partnership with Masdar we are looking to harness the leading edge of technology to make a difference in Egypt by leveraging the country’s abundant sources of green energy.”

"In the first phase of the project, Hassan Allam Utilities and Masdar aim to establish a green hydrogen manufacturing facility, which would be operational by 2026, producing 100,000 tonnes of e-methanol annually for bunkering in the Suez Canal," he added.

"The electrolyser facilities in the Suez Canal Economic Zone and on the Mediterranean could be extended to up to 4GW by 2030 to produce 2.3 million tonnes of green ammonia for export as well as supply green hydrogen for local industries."

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