科技是第一生产力、人才是第一资源、创新是第一动力 加快建设科技强国,实现高水平科技自立自强
氢能科技 沙蓬绿色种养产业模式 联源科技 超联科技 园区 园区 园区 园区 园区


   2022-04-26 互联网综合消息




陶氏的多功能烷氧基化资产升级了基础材料科学积木,为化妆品、家庭和工业清洁、家庭和个人护理、作物防御、石油和天然气、药品、油漆和许多其他日常产品生产安全和可持续的成分,这些产品线包括TERGITOL、UCON、ECOSURF和CARBOWAX SENTRY。

郝芬 译自 MRCHUB


Dow to expand its global alkoxylation capacity in the US and Europe to meet stronger demand

Dow has announced plans to expand its global alkoxylation capacity in the US and Europe to meet increasing demand across a wide range of fast-growing end-markets where the company is delivering 10% to 15% annual growth rates, from home and personal care to industrial and institutional cleaning solutions and pharmaceuticals, according to CISION.

The faster-payback, higher return investments announced today will increase Dow's capacity, while maintaining current carbon emissions levels through the use of efficient technologies and site improvements. These investments in the US and Europe are backed by supply agreements with customers, including leading consumer brands, and expected to come online in 2024 and 2025, respectively.

This announcement builds on the company's alkoxylation capacity expansions announced in 2018 in Louisiana and in 2019 in Spain, which are both on track to come online this year. In total, these and other efficiency projects are expected to generate more than USD150 million in run-rate EBITDA by 2025, with returns greater than 20%. Collectively, Dow's investments will result in approximately 70% global capacity growth for Dow and its customers since 2020.

Dow's versatile alkoxylation assets upgrade basic materials science building blocks to produce safe and sustainable ingredients for cosmetics, household and industrial cleaning, home and personal care, crop defense, oil and gas, pharmaceuticals, paints and many other products for everyday use in a number of product lines, including TERGITOL, UCON, ECOSURF, and CARBOWAX SENTRY.

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