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   2022-05-11 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据烃加工新闻5月9日消息称,过去几年,全球对甲磺酸 (MSA) 的需求稳步增长。对环境优化产品和配方的兴趣日

据烃加工新闻5月9日消息称,过去几年,全球对甲磺酸 (MSA) 的需求稳步增长。对环境优化产品和配方的兴趣日益浓厚,推动了这一趋势。为了满足日益增长的客户需求,巴斯夫在德国路德维希港的Verbund工厂投入了高达千万的资金,以扩大生产能力。

“通过这项投资,我们正在帮助我们的全球客户基础制定环境优化的高性能产品。通过这样做,我们作为一个可靠的供应商,在这个充满活力的市场支持我们客户的增长。”欧洲 I&I 和工业配方设计师高级副总裁 Soeren Hildebrandt 说。这项投资将路德维希港工厂的产能增至5万吨/年。

曹海斌 摘译自 烃加工新闻


BASF increases methane sulfonic acid output

Global demand for methane sulfonic acid (MSA) has increased steadily over the past years. This trend is fuelled by a growing interest in environmentally-optimised products and formulations. In response to growing customer demand, BASF has invested a higher double-digit million euro amount to expand production capacities at the Verbund site in Ludwigshafen, Germany.

“With this investment, we are helping our global customer base to formulate environmentally-optimised high-performance products. In doing so, we are supporting our customers’ growth in this dynamic market as a reliable supplier,” says Soeren Hildebrandt, Senior Vice President Home Care, I&I and Industrial Formulators Europe. The investment increases capacity at the Ludwigshafen site to a total of 50 000 tpy.

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