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   2022-05-10 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据美国《化学周刊》5月5日消息,德国化工公司朗盛表示,得益于运营业务的良好发展以及收购Emerald Kalama化

据美国《化学周刊》5月5日消息,德国化工公司朗盛表示,得益于运营业务的良好发展以及收购Emerald Kalama化工公司业务的贡献,公司第一季度净利润同比增长55.6%,达到9800万欧元(1.04亿美元),销售额同比增长43.7%,达到24.3亿欧元,与4月份公布的初步结果一致。一季度公司息税折旧摊销前利润(EBITDA)同比增长32.2%,达到3.2亿欧元,超过了Vara Research提供的分析师一致预期的2.99亿欧元。息税前利润(EBIT)同比增长59.2%,至1.56亿欧元。





庞晓华 摘译自 《美国化学周刊》


Lanxess earnings jump on higher pricing, robust performance by all businesses

Lanxess says its first-quarter net income increased 55.6% year on year (YOY), to 98 million ($104 million), mainly due to “the good development of the operating businesses and the contribution from the acquired business of Emerald Kalama Chemical,” the company says. Sales were up 43.7% YOY, to 2.43 billion, in line with the preliminary results released in April. EBITDA increased 32.2% YOY, to 320 million, beating analysts’ consensus estimate of 299 million, provided by Vara Research (Frankfurt, Germany). EBIT was up 59.2% YOY, to 156 million.

Sales in the company’s advanced intermediates business rose 35.6% YOY, to 613 million, mainly on higher selling prices with the company successful in passing on the “significantly increased raw material and energy prices,” Lanxess says. The business’s EBITDA was 87 million, up 24.3% YOY.

Lanxess’s specialty additives business saw sales rise 41.2% YOY, to 517 million, driven by “higher selling prices and generally improved demand,” the company says. EBITDA jumped 83.8% YOY, to 136 million, on “good demand from the construction, oil and gas industries, and the continuing recovery of the aviation industry,” Lanxess says.

Lanxess’s consumer protection business generated sales of 506 million, up 48.4% YOY, with the new flavors and fragrances business unit making a “particularly positive contribution,” the company says. EBITDA grew 13.2% YOY, to 86 million.

Higher selling prices, caused by the “pass-through of increased raw material and energy prices,” drove sales growth in the company’s engineering materials business, up 52.8% YOY, to 576 million. The business’s EBITDA rose 13.6%, to 67 million.

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