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   2022-05-06 互联网综合消息


道达尔能源公司首席执行官潘彦磊近日在与分析师的电话会议上表示:“这可能是公司加速转型的一个机会。”此前道达尔能源公司曾公布,由于石油和天然气价格飙升,其第一季度利润增加了两倍。 “如果我们采取行动,石油现金流将主要投资在LNG领域和/或电力和可再生能源领域,”潘彦磊在谈到该公司的潜在收购时如是表示。

潘彦磊说:“虽然整合很重要,但我不太喜欢非常大规模的收购。” 他补充说,道达尔能源公司近几年来对马士基公司石油和天然气业务以及阿纳达科石油公司莫桑比克资产的数十亿美元收购“做得很好”。




在日前收购了美国一家太阳能发电厂开发商后,道达尔能源公司预计在未来几个月里将参与更多的并购交易。 他说,除了在美国、莫桑比克和巴布亚新几内亚的LNG项目,该公司可能关注其在北极LNG 2项目超冷燃料市场的增长战略。  

李峻 编译自 美国钻井网站


TotalEnergies To Invest Oil Cash In LNG And Renewables

French oil major TotalEnergies SE plans to use part of its cash bonanza generated from surging hydrocarbon prices to speed up investment in liquefied natural gas projects and renewables. 

“This might be an opportunity to accelerate the transition,” TotalEnergies Chief Executive Officer Patrick Pouyanne said on a call with analysts Thursday after the company reported its first-quarter profits rose threefold as oil and gas prices surged. “If we move, it will be primarily in either the LNG fields and/or in electricity and renewables,” he said, referring to the company’s potential acquisitions.

“I’m not a very big fan of very large-scale acquisitions,” because integration is important, Pouyanne said. He added that the company’s multibillion purchases of A.P. Moller-Maersk A/S’s oil and gas unit, as well as some of Anadarko Petroleum Corp.’s Mozambique assets in recent years “were well done.”

The company is also using some of its first-quarter cash flow to reduce debt, increase shareholders' returns, and make additional investments to support short-term gas production in the North Sea. TotalEnergies will spend near $15 billion this year -- up from $13.3 billion in 2021 -- a quarter of which will be invested in renewable energy and power projects. 

The $15-billion spend for this year will be capped, Pouyanne said, meaning that any large acquisition would be offset by divestments.

“There is nothing specific in our mind, let’s be clear, just the will from the board to use part of these exceptional cash flows to accelerate our strategy,” Pouyanne said. “In renewables, there is a big bubble.”

Following this week’s acquisition of a solar farm developer in the U.S., TotalEnergies expects to participate in more M&A deals in the coming months, Pouyanne said. Beyond LNG projects in the U.S., Mozambique, and Papua New Guinea, the company may outline its strategy for growth in the super-chilled fuel market amid its Arctic LNG 2 project, he said.

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