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   2022-05-11 互联网综合消息


5月6日,安桥公司和美国EnCap Flatrock中游投资组合公司旗下的Humble中游公司公布了一项新的合作计划,在州建造低碳氢和氨生产和出口设施,该计划还将包括建造碳捕获基础设施。


安桥公司执行副总裁兼液体管道总裁Colin Gruending表示:“这是一个很好的例子,说明安桥公司如何利用现有的传统能源资产和能力,以扩大增长,并利用能源转型中的低碳机会。”



Humble中游公司首席执行官Steven Huclanu表示:“Humble中游公司很高兴能够与安桥公司合作,参与开发世界级规模的清洁能源替代品的首次努力。”

“我们相信,两家公司的中游专业知识使我们能够很好地为寻求低碳替代燃料的市场提供负担得起的氢气和氨气。我们的团队很高兴能与EnCap Flatrock中游公司合作,寻求这个机会,这是他们长期中游战略的自然延伸。”Gruending如是说。

李峻 编译自 气体世界网


Low-carbon hydrogen and ammonia production and export facility planned for Texas

Plans low-carbon hydrogen and ammonia production and export facility have been unveiled for the Enbridge Ingleside Energy Centre, near Corpus Christi, Texas, to meet growing demands in the clean energies market.

Enbridge and Humble Midstream, an EnCap Flatrock Midream portfolio company, on Friday (6th May) unveiled a new collaboration for the effort that will also feature carbon capture infrastructure.

With the supporting infrastructure, it is hoped up to 95% of the carbon dioxide (CO2) generated in the production process will be sequestered. Enbridge’s affiliate, Texas Easter Transmission Pipeline, will provide the transportation service for the feed gas.

Colin Gruending, Executive Vice-President and President of Liquids Pipelines at Enbridge, said, “This is a good example of how Enbridge is leveraging existing conventional energy assets and capabilities to extend growth and capitalise on low-carbon opportunities in the energy transition.”

“The EIEC is already the premier export facility on the US Gulf Coast and will play an even greater role in the global energy security and sustainability. We’re excited to work with Humble to further develop this opportunity.”

Already, Enbridge and Humble intend to jointly market the capacity of the facility and are in discussions with several potential offtake customers.

Steven Huclanu, CEO of Humble Midstream, said, “Humble is pleased to be joining Enbridge in this first-mover effort to develop clean energy alternatives on a world-class scale.”

“We believe the midstream expertise of both companies positions us well to provide affordable hydrogen and ammonia to a marketplace seeking low carbon alternative fuels. Our team is glad to be partnered with EnCap Flatrock Midstream to pursue this opportunity, a natural extension of their longstanding midstream strategy.”

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