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   2022-05-06 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据MRCHUB网站5月4日报道,马拉松石油公司(Marathon Petroleum)日前表示,受其炼油和营销(RM)部门运营良好的

据MRCHUB网站5月4日报道,马拉松石油公司(Marathon Petroleum)日前表示,受其炼油和营销(R&M)部门运营良好的推动,该公司第一季度销售和收入大幅增长。

由于马拉松R&M部门的良好业绩,收入和息税折旧摊销前利润 (EBITDA) 可能出现增长,该部门报告调整后的EBITDA为14亿美元,而2021年第一季度为2300万美元。



马拉松公司首席执行官亨尼根表示,“本季度,我们宣布有意与耐斯特(Neste)在我们的马丁内斯可再生燃料厂(Martinez Renewable Fuels Facility)成立一家合资企业,并实现15%范围3温室气体绝对减排目标,从而推进了我们的低碳战略”。

郝芬 译自 MRCHUB


Marathon Petroleum posted Q1 results

Marathon Petroleum’s first-quarter (Q1) sales and income shot up on the back of healthy operations at its Refining & Marketing (R&M) division, said the company.

The jump in income and earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) was possible due to healthy results at Marathon's R&M division, with the segment reporting adjusted EBITDA of USD1.4bn compared with USD23m in the Q1 2021.

The company said R&M margins were USD15.31/bbl in Q1 2022, up from USD10.16/bbl in the same quarter in 2021.

Between January-March, crude capacity utilisation stood at 91%, resulting in a total throughput of 2.8m bbl/day; in Q1 2021, crude capacity utilisation stood at 83%, with a total throughput of 2.6m bbl/day.

"This quarter we advanced our low carbon strategy with the announcement of our intent to form a joint venture with Neste at our Martinez Renewable Fuels Facility and a 15% Scope 3 absolute GHG [greenhouse gases] emission reduction target,” said Marathon’s CEO, Michael J. Hennigan.

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