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   2022-05-05 互联网综合消息








其中一家工厂是位于得克萨斯州的Golden Pass LNG项目,该公司由埃克森美孚和卡塔尔石油公司所有,预计将于2025年投产。第二个工厂是位于路易斯安那州的Magnolia LNG项目,由Glenfame Group LLC所有,预计将于2027年投产。

4月29日,位于路易斯安那州的Calcasieu Pass出口终端的投产将是未来几个月增加美国LNG出口的另一个因素,这是2016年以来美国第七个开始生产的出口终端。根据EIA的数据,该码头的日吞吐量可达31亿立方英尺,两个航运泊位的吞吐量可达18.5万立方米。


季廷伟 摘译自 今日油价网

The U.S. Has Lost Its Position As The World’s Top LNG Exporter

After briefly surpassing Qatar and Australia as the world’s top LNG exporter, the United States lost the top slot to Qatar in April as volumes in the north dropped along with heating fuel demand, Bloomberg reports.

Bloomberg data now shows that Qatar exported 7.5 million metric tons of LNG in April.

American LNG production was somewhat reduced in April, Bloomberg notes, due to the end of the winter season and lower demand for heating fuel. 

With promises to replace gas and a new American export terminal due to come online soon, however, the U.S. could once again reclaim the top spot later in the year.

In March, U.S. LNG exports rose 16%, according to Reuters.

Soaring demand for U.S. LNG has now rebooted export projects that had previously languished, and the Administration has approved new export licenses for projects under development.

Last week, the Administration authorized more LNG shipments from two U.S. plants under development. 

One of those plants is Texas-based Golden Pass LNG, which is owned by Exxon and Qatar Petroleum and is expected to go online in 2025. The second is the Louisiana-based Magnolia LNG, owned by Glenfame Group LLC and expected to launch in 2027. 

Another factor adding to U.S. LNG exports in the coming months will be the ramp-up launch, on April 29, of the Louisiana-based Calcasieu Pass export terminal, which is the seventh export terminal to begin production in the United States since 2016. This terminal can turn around 3.1 billion cubic feet per day, according to the EIA, with two shipping berths that can load up to 185,000 cubic meters. 

Calcasieu shipped its first LNG on March 1st, and natural gas deliveries to the terminal have steadily increased since the beginning of the year. Three blocks are still awaiting approval at this plant, expected by year’s end.

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