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   2022-04-29 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据烃加工新闻4月28日消息称,阿根廷经济部长Martin Guzman周三表示,该国正努力吸引约100亿美元的民间投资

据烃加工新闻4月28日消息称,阿根廷经济部长Martin Guzman周三表示,该国正努力吸引约100亿美元的民间投资,以帮助该国在2027年前启动液化天然气(LNG)出口。阿根廷能源赤字严重且成本高昂。

阿根廷是世界第二大页岩气储量Vaca Muerta地层的所在地,但由于国内产量和管道产能落后,阿根廷成为了一个主要的液化天然气进口国,以满足冬季需求。





Refinitiv高级液化天然气分析师Olumide Ajayi表示,阿根廷将能够通过提高Vaca Muerta的产量来削减进口费用,尽管2027年液化天然气价格和供应动态可能比目前紧张的市场更具挑战性。

他表示:“从中期来看,如果他们能够提高Vaca Muerta产能,并鼓励对上游的投资,他们就可以开始加快LNG出口。”


曹海斌 摘译自 烃加工新闻


Argentina Seeking $10 Billion Investment to Jump-Start LNG Exports

Argentina, battling a deep and costly energy deficit, is looking to attract some $10 billion in private investment to help it jump-start exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) by 2027, economy minister Martin Guzman said on Wednesday.

Argentina is home to the huge Vaca Muerta formation, the second largest shale gas reserve in the world, but lagging domestic production and pipeline capacity have kept the South American country a major LNG importer to cover winter demand.

Guzman told energy sector executives that Argentina, which needs liquefaction plants to convert its gas to LNG, could hit exports of $15 billion by 2027, an ambitious target as it ramps up local output and builds a major new gas pipeline.

"We are working with a group of countries and companies to ensure that if Argentina generates LNG production capacity, then there will be demand for it," he said in a presentation.

Guzman said the government was working to generate more certainty for the sector and ease access to foreign currency.

"It is necessary to facilitate direct foreign investment flows to the sector in Argentina," he said.

Olumide Ajayi, senior LNG analyst at Refinitiv, said Argentina would be able to cut its import bill by ramping up production in Vaca Muerta, though LNG prices and supply dynamics may be more challenging in 2027 than the current tight market.

"In the midterm if they can ramp up Vaca Muerta and encourage investment into upstream they could begin to fast track LNG exports," he said.

"But by then it could be too late because other projects elsewhere have been already sanctioned in response to demand in the market."

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