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圭亚那将Liza Unity FPSO首批原油出售给埃克森美孚

   2022-04-27 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据4月26日Rigzone报道,圭亚那已经收获了Liza Unity浮式生产储油船(FPSO)生产的第一批原油。圭亚那自然资源

据4月26日Rigzone报道,圭亚那已经收获了Liza Unity浮式生产储油船(FPSO)生产的第一批原油。

圭亚那自然资源部表示,终端运营商将像往常一样,将100万桶石油装载到MV Dimitros船上。




埃克森美孚的Liza Destiny FPSO是首个在圭亚那海域作业的FPSO,从2019年12月开始生产。另一方面,埃克森美孚第二艘FPSO Liza Unity于2022年2月开始生产,这两个装置都在Stabroek区块的Liza油田生产石油。



不到一个月前,埃克森美孚批准了其在Stabroek区块的第四个也是迄今最大的石油开发项目,名为Yellowtail。它将与该区块迄今为止最大FPSO一起开发。从2025年开始,该项目预计将使用One Guyana FPSO生产约25万桶石油。

王佳晶 摘译自 Rigzone


Guyana Sells First Produced Oil From Liza Unity FPSO To Exxon

The Government of Guyana has received its first entitlement lift of the Unit Gold crude from the Liza Unity Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) production platform.

The Guyana Ministry of Natural Resources said that the usual lifting entitlement amount of one million barrels of oil will be loaded onto the vessel MV Dimitros by the terminal operator.

The first cargo of Guyana’s lifting entitlement was sold to ExxonMobil Sales and Supply LLC following a competitive bidding process by the five companies, inclusive of the covertures of the Stabroek Block.

According to the Ministry, the ExxonMobil affiliate bid was the best on the pricing differential for the crude and this lift will incur no marketing fee by the lifter. This lift is a one-off arrangement for the company.

The Government of Guyana will be working to ensure that Guyana receives the best price for each cargo from both the Liza and Unity Gold crudes. The forecasted price for this first lift of the Unit Gold crude for Guyana is $106 per barrel.

ExxonMobil’s FPSO Liza Destiny was the first such unit to operate in Guyanese waters. It began production in December 2019. On the other hand, Liza Unity – Exxon’s second FPSO – started production in February 2022. Both units are producing oil at the Liza field in the Stabroek Block.

Exxon’s third FPSO set to work offshore Guyana, named the Prosperity, will be deployed at the Payara field, the third project in the same block, and is expected to produce approximately 220,000 barrels of oil per day.

The current resource offshore Guyana has the potential to support up to 10 projects. ExxonMobil anticipates that four FPSOs with a capacity of more than 800,000 barrels per day will be in operation on the Stabroek Block by year-end 2025.

Less than a month ago, ExxonMobil sanctioned its fourth and largest to date oil development on the Stabroek Block named Yellowtail. It will be developed with the largest FPSO vessel on the block so far. The project is expected to produce approximately 250,000 gross barrels of oil per day starting in 2025 using the One Guyana FPSO.

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