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   2022-05-13 互联网综合消息





阿美石油公司副总裁易卜拉欣·布艾纳( Ibrahim Al-Buainain )表示:“今天是我们向前迈出的重要一步,我们深化和扩大了这种关系,以在广泛的活动中实现更大的合作,从采购原油、营销炼油石化产品和液化天然气,到探索蓝色和绿色氢,并推进其他清洁能源计划。”

PTT首席执行官Auttapol Rerkpiboon补充说: “今天是PTT和阿美的一个重要里程碑,因为我们展望未来,并将我们的合作扩展到传统能源之外。这也反映了我们在迎接能源转型时对供应安全的持续承诺。”

PTT高级执行副总裁Disathat Panyarachun表示:“将我们在整个价值链上的合作扩展到新兴的脱碳计划,是加强我们的关系和促进进一步业务增长的绝佳机会。这也符合我们旨在减少温室气体排放的‘绿色和清洁’战略。”

祝精燕 摘译自 海上能源


Aramco and PTT to collaborate on LNG, blue and green hydrogen

Saudi oil and gas giant Saudi Aramco and Thailand’s state-owned energy firm PTT want to strengthen cooperation in areas like LNG, blue and green hydrogen, and various clean energy initiatives.

Aramco and PTT want to strengthen cooperation across crude oil sourcing and the marketing of refining and petrochemical products and LNG. The two companies, therefore, have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) at a ceremony in Bangkok on 11 May 2022.

This took place as Aramco expands its downstream presence in Asia.

Other potential areas of collaboration include blue and green hydrogen and various clean energy initiatives.

Ibrahim Al-Buainain, Aramco vice president, said: “Today represents an important step forward as we deepen and broaden this relationship to achieve greater cooperation across a wide range of activities, from sourcing crude oil and marketing refining and petrochemical products and LNG, to exploring blue and green hydrogen and progressing other clean energy initiatives.”

Auttapol Rerkpiboon, PTT CEO, added: “Today marks a significant milestone for PTT and Aramco as we look to the future and extend our collaboration beyond conventional energy. It also reflects our ongoing commitment to security of supply as we embrace the energy transition.”

Disathat Panyarachun, PTT senior executive VP, said: “Extending our collaboration across the value chain to include emerging decarbonization initiatives is a great opportunity to strengthen our relationship and foster further business growth. This also aligns with our ‘green and clean’ strategy which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”

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