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   2022-05-13 互联网综合消息

据全球能源新闻网5月12日报道,麦克德莫特国际公司已经加入了一个行业专家小组,致力于开发位于英国诺福克州巴克顿的氢能源中心的潜力。英国北海过渡管理局(NSTA)是巴克顿能源中心(Bacton Energy Hub,BEH)项目的领头羊,该项目可能在英国的能源未来中发挥重要作用,并成为其向净零排放过渡的关键因素。

该项目旨在通过到2030年增加支持低碳制氢、碳捕获和地下储存 (CCUS) 的设施来提供可持续的氢供应。此外,通过开发海上风能,以开发可再生氢气生产,作为到2050年能源供应过渡的一部分。

陆上部高级副总裁Tareq Kawash表示,我们很自豪能够在开发英国能源未来方面发挥主导作用,符合英国政府设定的净零目标,麦克德莫特位于伦敦的中心在重大项目执行方面拥有设计能力和专业知识,包括未开发地带和棕色地带,以提供可行的项目范围,支持英国最大限度地实现能源回收(MER)和净零排放。

NSTA北海南部和东爱尔兰海区域经理阿利斯泰尔·麦克法兰(Alistair MacFarlane)表示,很高兴看到麦克德莫特这样的组织为巴克顿能源中心计划(Bacton Energy Hub initiative)作出贡献,该计划旨在促进向净零排放过渡,并巩固英格兰东部作为英国低碳能源关键地区的地位。基础设施SIG将在巴克顿的成熟机遇中发挥至关重要的作用,并有望对该行业到2024年做出投资决策。


郝芬 译自 全球能源新闻网



McDermott International has joined a group of industry experts focused on unlocking the potential for a hydrogen-led energy hub located at Bacton, Norfolk, UK. The UK North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) is spearheading the Bacton Energy Hub (BEH) project, which could play a significant role in the UK’s energy future and become a vital element in its transition to net zero emissions.

The project aims to deliver a sustainable hydrogen supply by adding facilities that support low-carbon hydrogen production, carbon capture and underground storage (CCUS) by 2030. Also, through the development of offshore wind, it is aiming to develop renewable hydrogen production as part of the energy supply transition by 2050.

“We are proud to play a leading role in developing the UK’s energy future in line with the net zero objectives set by the UK Government,” said Tareq Kawash, Senior Vice President, Onshore.

“McDermott’s Center of Excellence in London has the design capabilities and expertise in major project execution, including both greenfield and brownfield, to deliver a viable project scope that will support Maximizing Energy Recovery (MER) and net zero emissions for the UK.”

“It’s great to see an organization like McDermott contributing to the Bacton Energy Hub initiative, which aims to facilitate the transition to net zero and reinforce the East of England’s position as a key region for low carbon power for the UK,” said Alistair MacFarlane, NSTA Southern North Sea & East Irish Sea Area Manager. “The Infrastructure SIG will play a vital role in maturing the opportunity at Bacton and hopefully enabling the industry to take investment decisions by 2024.”

The NSTA has established five Special Interest Groups (SIGs) to work collectively on an executable development concept. The five SIGs are: Hydrogen Supply; Hydrogen Demand; Regulatory; Supply Chain and Technology; and Infrastructure. McDermott has been selected as a core member of the Infrastructure SIG and has been chosen to lead Work Scope 6—Greenfield onshore facilities. The Infrastructure SIG will establish the offshore and onshore facilities required to produce, store and distribute both low-carbon and renewable hydrogen, with associated CCUS. The SIG will include industry and government input to perform a series of studies and make recommendations for future project development.

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