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   2022-05-12 互联网综合消息


挪威最大的能源公司Equinor周二在一份声明中表示,该公司已将其在Greater Ekofisk Area的全部股份和Martin Linge油田19%的股份出售给了Sval Energi。在2022年和2023年,这两项资产还将有与石油和天然气实际价格相关的待收账款。

Equinor将保留Martin Linge 51%的股权,继续作为运营商运营。该协议还包括Equinor在 Norpipe Oil AS中18.5%的权益。

Equinor挪威南部勘探生产主管Rune Nedregaard在声明中表示:“Greater Ekofisk Area是 Equinor有限参与的地区,因此我们决定在价格高企期间出售我们在该地区的资产,并将资金转向其他核心业务领域。”


曹海斌 摘译自 世界石油


Equinor raises $1 billion selling North Sea fields

Equinor ASA sold assets in the North Sea for $1 billion as it seeks to benefit from high oil prices and redirect proceeds to other core businesses.

Norway’s largest energy company offloaded its entire share in the Greater Ekofisk Area and a 19% stake in the Martin Linge field to Sval Energi, Equinor said in a statement Tuesday. There will also be contingent payments linked to realized oil and gas prices for both assets for 2022 and 2023.

Equinor will retain a 51% ownership share in Martin Linge and continue as the operator. The agreement also includes Equinor’s 18.5% interest in Norpipe Oil AS.

“The Greater Ekofisk Area is an area where Equinor has limited participation, and we have therefore decided to sell our position in the area during a period of high prices and to redirect capital to other core areas for the business,” Rune Nedregaard, Equinor’s head of exploration production for south Norway, said in the statement.

The transaction is subject to customary government and license approvals and is expected to be completed during the second half of the year.

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