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   2022-05-16 互联网综合消息

据烃加工网5月13日报道,雪佛龙(Chevron)和埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)日前表示,他们分别与印尼国家能源公司印尼国家石油公司(PT Pertamina)签署了协议,以在印尼探索低碳商业机会。

Pertamina表示,雪佛龙公司通过其子公司雪佛龙新投资Pte. Ltd签署了一份谅解备忘录,并正在寻找新的地热技术、通过基于自然的解决方案碳抵消、碳捕获、利用和存储(CCUS)的潜在业务。



雪佛龙新能源公司总裁Jeff Gustavson表示,“通过我们在印度尼西亚和整个亚太地区的潜在工作,我们希望提供廉价、可靠、更清洁的能源,并帮助使用我们产品的行业和客户推进他们的低碳目标”。


印尼国家石油公司首席执行官nick Widyawati表示,这种合作关系是印尼国家石油公司和雪佛龙公司相互补充优势、开发低碳能源项目和解决方案以促进能源独立和国内能源安全的战略步骤。


郝芬 译自 烃加工网


Chevron and Exxonmobil to explore lower carbon opportunities in Indonesia

Chevron and ExxonMobil have signed separate agreements with state energy company PT Pertamina to explore lower carbon business opportunities in Indonesia, the companies said.

Chevron signed an MoU through its subsidiary, Chevron New Ventures Pte. Ltd, and is looking at potential businesses in new geothermal technology, carbon offsets through nature-based solutions, carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS), Pertamina said.

The companies would also be looking into lower carbon hydrogen development, production, storage, and transport, the statement said.

ExxonMobil and Pertamina signed a joint study agreement to assess the potential for large-scale implementation of lower emissions technologies, including carbon capture and storage and hydrogen production, the U.S. company said in a statement.

"Through our potential work in Indonesia, and the entire Asia Pacific region, we hope to provide affordable, reliable, ever-cleaner energy, and help the industries and customers who use our products advance their lower carbon goals," Jeff Gustavson, President of Chevron New Energies, said.

Indonesia aims to achieve net zero emissions by 2060 and has targeted to increase its renewable energy portfolio in its energy mix to 23% by 2025, from around 12% currently.

"This partnership is a strategic step for Pertamina and Chevron to complement each other's strengths and develop lower carbon energy projects and solutions to promote energy independence and domestic energy security," Pertamina chief executive Nicke Widyawati said.

Pertamina is currently running a trial for a binary geothermal power plant that could help the company maximize energy output from its geothermal wells as it aims to double its geothermal capacity by around 2027-2028 from 700 MW currently.

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