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韩国GAS Entec建造世界首个模块化浮式LNG储存和再气化装置

   2022-05-12 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据海上工程师网 2022年5月9日报道,韩国工程公司GAS Entec近日为KARMOL完成了一艘12.5万立方米液化天然气(

据海上工程师网 2022年5月9日报道,韩国工程公司GAS Entec近日为KARMOL完成了一艘12.5万立方米液化天然气(LNG)运输船的改建,这艘改建后的LNG运输船将部署在塞内加尔。KARMOL是土耳其卡尔发电船公司(Karpowership)和日本商船三井株式会社的合资企业。

大西洋海湾和太平洋国际控股公司(AG&P)旗下的子公司GAS Entec已把这艘LNG运输船改装为8400万标准立方英尺的模块化浮式储存和再气化装置(M-FSRU),每个装置容量从1500万至3亿标准立方英尺不等。

GAS Entec表示:“M-FSRU是世界上第一个模块化浮式液化天然气储存和再气化终端,将来自LNG的天然气输送到Karpowership公司位于达喀尔港的236兆瓦浮式发电厂Karadeniz Powership Aysegul Sultan。”


GAS Entec补充说:“现有的浮式发电厂以前使用重质燃料油来满足这个西非国家电力需求的15%。转换到天然气是塞内加尔成为清洁能源转型领导者的雄心壮志的一个显著成就。”

对于KARMOL项目,Gas Entec负责完全设计,包括FEED、基础、细节和生产设计工程、级别审批和开发、再气化技术供应、项目管理、 进行必要的加气设备和系统的测试和调试,以及建造世界上第一个浮式LNG M-FSRU的安装工作。

KARMOL董事会成员Gokhan Kocak说:“这对KARMOL和非洲来说都是一个重大时刻。随着M-FSRU项目的成功完成,塞内加尔将成为西非第一个过渡到清洁天然气能源的国家,用LNG取代高排放燃料。”

李峻 编译自 海上工程师网


Senegal: GAS Entec Builds 'World's First' Modular LNG Floating Storage Regasification 

GAS Entec has completed the conversion of a 125,000m³ LNG carrier into an FSRU for KARMOL, a joint-venture between Turkey's Karpowership and Japan's Mitsui OSK Lines (MOL), for deployment in Senegal.

The company, a subsidiary of Atlantic Gulf & Pacific International Holding (AG&P), has converted the LNG carrier into an 84 mmscf Modular Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (M-FSRU) with the capacity to scale from 15 to 300 mmscf per unit.

"This M-FSRU is the world's first modular floating LNG regasification terminal, delivering gas from LNG to Karpowership's 236 MW floating power plant, the Karadeniz Powership Aysegul Sultan in Port Dakar, " GAS Entec said.”

The integrated floating complex will serve shore-based grids in Senegal. 

"The existing floating power plant previously used heavy fuel oil to meet ~15% of the West African nation's power demand. The conversion to natural gas represents a remarkable achievement for Senegal's ambition to be a leader in the transition to clean energy," GAS Entec added.

For the KARMOL project, Gas Entec was responsible for the complete design, including FEED, basic, detail and production design engineering, class approval and development, supply of regasification technology, project management, test and commissioning of essential regas equipment and systems and installation works for building what it says is the world's first floating LNG M-FSRU.

KARMOL Board Member Gokhan Kocak said: "This is a big moment for KARMOL and for Africa. With the successful completion of the M-FSRU, Senegal will be the first country in West Africa to transition to clean gas energy, replacing high emission fuels with LNG.."

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