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   2022-06-06 互联网综合消息


“该项目是壳牌综合天然气产品组合的重要组成部分。”壳牌综合天然气、可再生能源和能源解决方案总监Wael Sawan说。“Crux的天然气将在帮助亚洲客户从煤炭转向天然气作为更清洁的燃料方面发挥关键作用。随着能源市场向低碳未来过渡,该项目将帮助我们满足对液化天然气日益增长的需求。”


“开发Crux项目强化了我们对澳大利亚的承诺,包括促进区域经济、创造就业机会和提供培训机会,”壳牌澳大利亚主席Tony Nunan说,“使用Prelude现有的基础设施可以显著降低开发成本,使Crux具有竞争力和商业吸引力。” 



黎泱 编译自 世界石油


Shell to develop Crux natural gas field offshore Western Australia

Shell Australia and its joint venture partner, SGH Energy, have taken a final investment decision to approve the development of the Crux natural gas field, off the coast of Western Australia. Crux will provide further supplies of natural gas to the existing Prelude floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) facility.

“This project forms an important part of Shell’s integrated gas portfolio,” said Wael Sawan, Integrated Gas, Renewables and Energy Solutions Director at Shell. “Natural gas from Crux will play a key role in helping Asian customers move from coal to gas as a cleaner-burning fuel. The project will help us to meet the increasing demand for LNG as the energy market transitions to a lower carbon future.

“The project will also boost our customers’ security of supply, which is becoming an ever more significant consideration for global consumers.”

“Developing the Crux project reinforces our commitment to Australia, including boosting the regional economy, creating jobs and providing training opportunities,” said Shell Australia Chair Tony Nunan. “The use of Prelude’s existing infrastructure enables significantly reduced development costs, making Crux competitive and commercially attractive.” 

The Crux field is in Commonwealth marine waters in the northern Browse Basin, 620 kilometers north-east of Broome. The development will consist of a platform operated remotely from Prelude. Five wells will be drilled initially, and an export pipeline will connect the platform to Prelude, which is around 160 kilometers to the south-west of Crux.

Construction will start in 2022 and first gas is expected in 2027.

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