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   2022-06-01 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据5月31日Neftegaz.RU.报道,拉赫佩雷湾疏浚工程持续了10天,由比利时Jan de Nul公司拥有的Pedro Alvares C

据5月31日Neftegaz.RU.报道,拉赫佩雷湾疏浚工程持续了10天,由比利时Jan de Nul公司拥有的Pedro Alvares Cabral号船只进行作业。








5月初,Gasgrid Finland和Elering签署了一项合作协议,根据该协议,如果芬兰的港口结构尚未完成,FSRU可能在今年冬天位于爱沙尼亚的一个港口。

5月末,Gasgrid芬兰公司与excerate Energy公司签署了一份为期十年的FSRU租赁合同,该船拥有150900立方米液化天然气存储能力,每年可以提供超过50亿立方米的再气化能力。

王佳晶 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU.


Paldiski LNG terminal in Estonia step closer to completion

In a social media post,it is informed that the dredging work in Lahepere Bay lasted for 10 days.

It was carried out by the vessel Pedro Alvares Cabral, owned by the Belgian company Jan de Nul.

The company is partnered with compatriot investment firm Infortar on the FSRU-based LNG import terminal.

The completion of the Paldiski LNG terminal will take place in 2 stages.

The 1st stage will include the construction of the connection with Balticconnector pipeline and the rental of a FSRU.

Then, in the 2nd stage, a permanent solution will also be built for the terminal.

Alexela said the gas pipeline is the smallest part of the LNG terminal, but in terms of content it is as vital as the quay and the ship; the terminal cannot be operated without the pipe connection.

Estonian transmission network company Elering is to establish the necessary pipe connections.

In April, Estonia and Finland revealed they are teaming up to lease a large floating LNG (FLNG) terminal to quickly break free from dependence on gas.

This FSRU will be located on the Finnish coast in the immediate vicinity of the gas transmission network.

In early May, Gasgrid Finland and Elering signed a cooperation agreement under which the FSRU may be located in an Estonian port this winter if the port structures are not yet completed in Finland.

Later in May, Gasgrid Finland signed a ten-year charter party agreement with Excelerate Energy to lease to charter the Exemplar FSRU.

The vessel has a storage capacity of 150,900 cbm of LNG and can provide more than 5 billion  per year of regasification capacity.

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