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   2022-06-07 互联网综合消息




沙特国有石油生产商沙特阿美周日表示,沙特阿拉伯将其旗舰阿拉伯轻质原油对亚洲的官方售价 (OSP) 较阿曼和迪拜基准的平均水平溢价从6月的4.40美元提高到6.50美元。




菲利浦期货(Phillip Futures)驻新加坡大宗商品经理Avtar Sandu表示,石油生产商“趁热打铁”,并补充称,美国夏季推动的需求和亚洲大国调整疫情措施预计将使油价居高不下。


联邦银行(Commonwealth Bank)分析师Vivek Dhar在一份报告中表示,虽然这一增长非常必要,但仍低于需求增长预期,尤其是欧盟对大国石油进口的部分禁令。

郝芬 译自 OE


Brent Climbs Above $120/bbl after Saudi Arabia Hikes Crude Prices

Oil futures jumped on Monday, with Brent rising above $120 a barrel after Saudi Arabia hiked prices for its crude sales in July, signaling tight supply even after OPEC+ agreed to accelerate output increases over the next two months.

Brent crude was up 91 cents, or 0.8%, at $120.63 a barrel at 0343 GMT after touching an intraday high of $121.95, extending a 1.8% gain from Friday.

U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude CLc1 futures were up 93 cents, or 0.8%, at $119.80 a barrel after earlier hitting a three-month high of $120.99. It gained 1.7% on Friday.

Saudi Arabia raised the official selling price (OSP) for its flagship Arab light crude to Asia to a $6.50 premium versus the average of the Oman and Dubai benchmarks, from a $4.40 premium in June, state oil producer Aramco 2222.SE said on Sunday.

The July OSP is the highest since May, when prices hit all-time highs due to worries of disruption in supplies.  

The price hike came despite a decision last week by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and allies, together called OPEC+, to increase output in July and August by 648,000 barrels per day, or 50% more than previously planned.

Iraq said on Friday it plans to raise output to 4.58 million bpd in July. 

Oil producers are "making hay while the sun shines", Avtar Sandu, manager of commodities at Phillip Futures in Singapore said, adding that U.S. summer driving demand and easing of COVID-19 lockdowns in big country in Asia are expected to keep prices high.

The OPEC+ move to bring forward output hikes is widely seen as unlikely to meet demand as the increased allocation is spread across all members,  that is facing sanctions.

"While that increase is sorely needed, it falls short of demand growth expectations, especially with the EU's partial ban on the largest oil producer's oil imports also factored in," Commonwealth Bank analyst Vivek Dhar said in a note.

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