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   2022-06-20 互联网综合消息


DNV在题为《2050年氢气预测》报告中预测,2030年氢气在能源结构中的占比仅为0.5%,到2050年将占5%。 然而,要实现《巴黎协定》的目标,到本世纪中叶,氢气摄取量需要增加两倍,才能满足15%的能源需求。

DNV集团总裁兼首席执行官埃里克森表示:“对于航空、航海和高温制造业等无法电气化的行业来说,氢气是必不可少的,因此应该优先考虑这些行业。” “现行政策与氢气的重要性不符。他们还需要支持可再生能源发电和碳捕获和存储的规模,这是生产低碳氢气的关键要素。” 




考虑到成本因素,全球超过50%的氢气管道将从天然气管道改造而来,因为改造管道的成本预计仅占新建设成本的10%~35%。 氢气将通过管道在国内和国家之间进行中等距离输送,但在各大陆之间穿行仍为难题。全球氢气贸易也将受到船舶运输液化氢气的高成本和氢气能量密度低特性的限制。氢气的衍生物氨气能够更稳定,可以更容易通过船舶运输,将在全球进行交易。 





经合组织太平洋地区(2050年氢能源占能源结构的8%)和北美地区(7%)也有推动供应端的战略、目标和资金,但碳价格较低,具体目标和政策较少。大中华区(6%)紧随其后,最近对到 2035年的资金和氢气前景做出了更清晰的说明,同时扩大了全国排放交易计划。到2050年,这四个地区总共将消耗全球用于能源目的氢气需求的三分之二。

李峻 编译自 美国钻井网站


Hydrogen Could Be A Missed Opportunity Of The Energy Transition

Hydrogen has a crucial role in decarbonizing the world’s energy system, but uptake will be too slow. Governments need to make urgent, significant policy interventions, according to a new report by DNV.

In Hydrogen Forecast to 2050, DNV predicts the amount of hydrogen in the energy mix will be only 0.5% in 2030 and 5% in 2050. However, to meet the targets of the Paris Agreement, hydrogen uptake would need to triple to meet 15% of energy demand by mid-century.

“Hydrogen is essential to decarbonize sectors that cannot be electrified, like aviation, maritime, and high-heat manufacturing, and should therefore be prioritized for these sectors,” said Remi Eriksen, Group President and CEO of DNV. “Policies do not match hydrogen’s importance. They will also need to support the scaling of renewable energy generation and carbon capture and storage as crucial elements in producing low-carbon hydrogen.”

According to Hydrogen Forecast by 2050, electricity-based green hydrogen – produced by splitting hydrogen from water using electrolyzers – will be the dominant form of production by the middle of the century, accounting for 72% of output. This will require a surplus of renewable energy, to power an electrolyzer capacity of 3,100 gigawatts. This is more than twice the total installed generation capacity of solar and wind today.

Blue hydrogen – produced from natural gas with emissions captured – has a greater role to play in the shorter term (around 30% of total production in 2030), but its competitiveness will reduce as renewable energy capacity increases and prices drop.

Global spending on producing hydrogen for energy purposes from now until 2050 will be $6.8 trillion, with an additional $180 billion spent on hydrogen pipelines and $530 billion on building and operating ammonia terminals, according to DNV’s forecasts.

Cost considerations will lead to more than 50% of hydrogen pipelines globally being repurposed from natural gas pipelines, as the cost to repurpose pipelines is expected to be just 10-35% of new construction costs. Hydrogen will be transported by pipelines up to medium distances within and between countries, but not between continents. Global hydrogen trade will also be limited by the high cost of liquefying hydrogen for ship transport and the low energy density of hydrogen. The hydrogen derivative ammonia, which is more stable and can be more readily transported by ship, will be traded globally.

Early uptake of hydrogen will be led by hard-to-abate, high-heat manufacturing processes such as iron and steel production which currently use coal and natural gas. Hydrogen derivatives, such as ammonia and methanol, are key to decarbonizing heavy transport like shipping and aviation, but these fuels won’t scale until the 2030s according to DNV’s forecasts.

Hydrogen will not see an uptake in passenger vehicles, and only limited uptake in power generation. Hydrogen for heating buildings will not scale globally but will see early uptake in some regions that already have an extensive gas infrastructure.

“Scaling hydrogen value chains will require managing safety risk and public acceptance, as well as employment policies to make hydrogen projects competitive and bankable. We need to plan at the level of energy systems, enabling societies to embrace the urgent decarbonization opportunities presented by hydrogen,” added Eriksen.

The uptake of hydrogen will differ significantly by region, heavily influenced by policy. Europe is the forerunner with hydrogen set to take 11% of the energy mix by 2050, as enabling policies both kickstart the scaling of hydrogen production and stimulate end-use.

OECD Pacific (hydrogen 8% of the energy mix in 2050) and North America (7%) regions also have strategies, targets, and funding pushing the supply-side, but have lower carbon prices and less concrete targets and policies. Greater China (6%) follows on, recently providing more clarity on funding and hydrogen prospects towards 2035, coupled with an expanding national emissions trading scheme. These four regions will together consume two-thirds of global hydrogen demand for energy purposes by 2050.

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