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   2022-06-15 互联网综合消息


EIA根据向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提供的公开财务报告和evaluate Energy收集到的数据,在净购买和生产后,这些公司在2021年的探明储量增加了192亿桶石油当量。EIA指出,其分析结论不能代表整个全球勘探和生产部门,因为该分析不包括不发表财务报告的私营公司。




在下游领域,EIA基于evaluate Energy公司数据的评估显示,全球炼油蒸馏能力从2020年到2021年下降。


曹海斌 摘译自 油价网


EIA: Listed Oil And Gas Firms Spent Significantly Less On Exploration In 2021

Global public companies representing 60% of total non-OPEC liquid fuels production spent last year $244 billion on exploration and development, down by 28% compared to the pre-pandemic average, the Energy Information Administration said on Monday in an analysis of 119 U.S. and international listed firms. 

Those companies added 19.2 billion barrels of oil equivalent to proved reserves in 2021, after net purchases and production, the EIA said in its review based on the published financial reports provided to the SEC and that evaluate Energy has collected. The EIA notes that the conclusions of its analysis is not representative of the global exploration and production sector as a whole because the analysis did not include private companies that do not publish financial reports.

The companies in the analysis include the supermajors, many public U.S. shale firms, among others.

Global proved reserves totaled 293 billion barrels of oil equivalent at the end of 2021, which was 6 percent higher than at the end of 2020.

The 119 companies in the review reduced their combined net debt by $134 billion in 2021, and reducing net debt accounted for 26 percent of the main uses of cash in 2021, the largest debt reduction in the 2012–2021 period.

In the downstream segment, the EIA’s review based on evaluate Energy’s data of companies showed that global refining distillation capacity decreased from 2020 to 2021.

The decline in global refining capacity since COVID is one of the key reasons for tight fuel markets and low inventories, which have contributed to soaring gasoline and diesel prices alongside high crude prices.?

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