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   2022-06-21 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据《美国化学周刊》6月15日消息,美国企业产品公司(Enterprise Products)正评估在得克萨斯州博蒙特附近投

据《美国化学周刊》6月15日消息,美国企业产品公司(Enterprise Products)正评估在得克萨斯州博蒙特附近投资50亿美元建设乙烷裂解装置。该装置的乙烯生产能力为200万吨/年,将建在企业产品公司位于该州博蒙特附近内奇斯河上的博蒙特海洋西部码头设施。提交给得克萨斯州当地官员的一份申请减税的文件估计,建设工作将于2024年第二季度开始。企业产品公司发言人表示,该公司尚未做出最终投资决定,对该决定或投资时间表的进一步评论还为时过早。




该公司在休斯敦航道的Morgan’s Point设施运营着一个乙烯出口码头,设计产能为100万吨/年的乙烯。该公司最近表示,该终端的实际出口能力达到设计能力的125%。企业产品公司已宣布计划到2023年下半年将出口终端扩大50%,到2025年将其扩大一倍,达到200万吨/年以上。


其他油气中游企业也在考虑进入乙烯生产领域。Energy Transfer Partners今年5月表示,该公司也在评估墨西哥湾沿岸的一个裂解装置项目。该公司表示,在做出最终投资决定之前,正与客户进行谈判,以确保达成长期收费协议。


庞晓华 摘译自 《美国化学周刊》


Enterprise Products plans $5-billion US ethylene investment

Enterprise Products is evaluating a $5-billion investment in an ethane cracker near its Beaumont, Texas, site, according to filings with local officials. The plant would have capacity for 2 million metric tons/year (MMt/y) of ethylene. It would be built at Enterprise's Beaumont Marine West terminal facility on the Neches River near Beaumont, Texas. A filing with local Texas officials requesting a tax abatement estimates that construction will start in second-quarter 2024. The company has not made a final investment decision and further comment on decision or investment timelines would be premature, said an Enterprise spokesman

In December, Enterprise co-CEO Jim Teague and Chris D’Anna, the company’s senior vice president of petrochemicals, told that the company had been considering building a cracker to supply derivative producers who don’t want to build a cracker themselves.

Enterprise does not own ethylene production assets today but operates an ethylene export terminal as well as storage and pipeline assets that serve as an open market storage and trading hub for ethylene makers.

Enterprise’s Beaumont Marine West terminal today includes three deepwater docks and one barge dock that facilitate the exporting and importing of crude oil and related products.

The company operates an ethylene export terminal located at its Morgan’s Point facility on the Houston Ship Channel with nameplate capacity to load 1 MMt/y of ethylene. The company said recently that the terminal is operating at 125% of nameplate. Enterprise has announced plans to expand the export terminal 50% by the second half of 2023 and double it to more than 2 MMt/y by 2025.

Enterprise has told investors that US ethylene economics support petrochemical expansion with significant supplies of ethane available to support investment. At current economics a worldscale 1.5 MMt/y ethane cracker generates $1 billion more in profit than a European naphtha cracker, Enterprise said at an investor event in April.

Other midstream players are also considering entering into ethylene production. Energy Transfer Partners said in May that it was evaluating a cracker project along the Gulf Coast, as well. The company said it was in discussions with customers to secure long-term tolling agreements prior to a final investment decision.

In March, KBR (Houston, Texas) announced that it has secured a contract from an undisclosed midstream company for a world-scale US olefins plant. The Gulf Coast facility will be able to produce 2.4 million metric tons of light olefins annually, KBR says.

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