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   2022-06-16 互联网综合消息


船舶经纪商和液化天然气咨询公司Poten & Partners表示,对液化天然气需求飙升,导致更多的长期租船,限制了现货市场的船只供应。


Poten商业情报主管Jason Feer表示,在大西洋流域运输16万立方米液化天然气的现货价格为每天10万美元,亚洲或苏伊士以东地区的货物为每天8.5万美元。




郝芬 译自 管道&天然气杂志网


LNG Tanker Charter Rates Hit Record Highs as Demand Soars

Spot-market rates for LNG tankers this week set annual records as traders bid up available vessels to meet rising global demand for the chilled gas, according to brokers.

Soaring demand for LNG  have led to more long-term charters, limiting the supply of vessels to the spot market, said shipbroker and LNG consultancy Poten & Partners.

The fire that knocked out the Freeport LNG gas-processing and export terminal has not affected the increase in spot rates, he said. The plant is out of operation through at least month's end.

Spot rates for transporting 160,000 cubic meters of LNG in the Atlantic Basin is $100,000 per day, and $85,000 per day for Asia, or the East-of-Suez, cargoes, said Poten's head of business intelligence Jason Feer.

Both prices are up substantially compared to the average for the year, with year-date average for Asia of $49,000 per day. Day rates bottomed in March and have been very strong since May.

"There has been a substantial increase in long-term charters," said Feer, taking capacity off the spot market. "We've seen some 10-year charters that we hadn't seen for many years previous," he said, declining to name the long-term charterers.

Buyers who were caught short of transport in the last two winters turned to long-term charters. Fewer vessels will be coming off charters in the coming months, keeping supply tight, he said.

"It (the Freeport LNG outage) should have had an impact. A loss of supply anywhere implies a loss of demand, but we didn't see it," said Feer. Instead, spot cargo rates last week rose 4% to 30% depending on the vessel size and location.

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