科技是第一生产力、人才是第一资源、创新是第一动力 加快建设科技强国,实现高水平科技自立自强
氢能科技 沙蓬绿色种养产业模式 联源科技 超联科技 园区 园区 园区 园区 园区


   2022-06-10 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据世界天然气6月9日消息称,泰国国家石油和天然气公司PTT勘探与生产公司(PTTEP) 正在启动该国首个碳捕集

据世界天然气6月9日消息称,泰国国家石油和天然气公司PTT勘探与生产公司(PTTEP) 正在启动该国首个碳捕集与封存 (CCS) 项目,以实现其温室气体(GHG)净零排放目标。


PTTEP首席执行官Montri Rawanchaikul表示:“我们在地球科学和石油工程方面的知识和专长为CCS的发展奠定了有利的基础,引领我们实现碳减排目标。


曹海斌 摘译自 世界天然气


Thai giant pursues development of country’s first carbon capture and storage project

Thailand’s national oil and gas company PTT Exploration and Production (PTTEP) is setting the wheels into motion to initiate the country’s first carbon capture and storage (CCS) project, in a push to achieve its net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emission goals.

PTTEP revealed on Monday that it is gearing up to develop Thailand’s first CCS project at Arthit offshore gas field, paving the way toward the company’s net-zero GHG emissions target. The firm also initiated CCS feasibility studies in other areas of Thailand to support the country’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions into the atmosphere.  

Montri Rawanchaikul, Chief Executive Officer of PTTEP, remarked: “Our knowledge and expertise in geoscience and petroleum engineering represent an advantageous foundation for CCS development, leading us towards our carbon emissions reduction target. 

“Apart from Thailand’s first CCS initiative at the Arthit gas field, PTTEP has collaborated with partners who have experience in CCS technology in Japan to evaluate the potential of CCS development in other parts of Thailand that will eventually provide support to other domestic industries in decarbonization.”

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