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加拿大Gas Liquids Engineering公司开发高效的天然气新工艺

   2022-06-10 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据原油新闻6月9日消息称,总部位于卡尔加里的Gas Liquids Engineering公司宣布高效天然气新工艺SABR的问世

据原油新闻6月9日消息称,总部位于卡尔加里的Gas Liquids Engineering公司宣布高效天然气新工艺SABR的问世,这是一种从天然气中提取丙烷和乙烷的新工艺,在很多情况下比竞争对手的工艺节省5%-20%的能源。

Gas Liquids Engineering运营副总裁Stuart MacKenzie说:“我们真的很高兴能在这个时候向天然气加工行业提供SABR工艺。在许多情况下,SABR工艺可以回收丙烷和乙烷,能耗更低,比以往使用的深切割技术更好。这不仅相当于大幅减少二氧化碳排放,还降低了天然气厂的运营成本。”


Gas liquid Engineering已经开始向天然气生产商、中流公司和天然气工厂设备制造商提供SABR工艺许可。

Gas liquid Engineering是一家总部位于加拿大艾伯塔省卡尔加里的工程公司,专注于天然气和液体处理、能源项目以及碳捕获和封存。

曹海斌 摘译自 原油新闻


Canadian Company Develops Efficient New Natural Gas Process

Calgary based Gas Liquids Engineering announces the availability of SABR, a new licensed process for propane and ethane extraction from natural gas, in many cases using 5%-20% less energy than competitive processes.

"We are truly thrilled to offer SABR at this time to the natural gas processing industry", stated Gas Liquids Engineering Vice President Operations, Stuart MacKenzie. "In many cases, SABR can recover propane and ethane with lower energy use, and better turndown than the historically used deep-cut technologies. Not only does this equate to significant reductions in CO2 emissions, it also lowers gas plant operating costs."

SABR stands for "Split ABsorber Reflux", covering multiple variations of the process, intended for increased recovery of natural gas liquids (NGL) from natural gas, in a variety of applications.

Gas Liquids Engineering has begun offering licensing of SABR to natural gas producers, midstreamers, and gas plant equipment fabricators.

Gas Liquids Engineering is a Calgary, Alberta, Canada based engineering firm specializing in natural gas and liquids processing, energy projects, and carbon capture and sequestration.

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