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   2022-06-22 互联网综合消息






在上个月宣布新的合作伙伴关系时,欧盟委员会和包括西门子能源公司、Nel ASA、SunFire公司和康明斯公司在内的20位行业高管表示,欧盟已经在氢技术方面处于世界领先地位,但其雄心是将其转变为全球商业领导地位。







郝芬 译自 MRCHUB


EU targets tenfold increase in production of hydrogen electrolyzers by 2025

The European Commission launched an initiative June 16 to increase the European Union's green hydrogen electrolzyer manufacturing capacity tenfold by 2025.

The Electrolyzer Partnership, first announced in May, will bring together manufacturers and component suppliers to ramp up the production of electrolyzers — the technology used to produce renewable-powered hydrogen — to 17.5 GW per year from an estimated 1.75 GW today.

The initiative is linked to the commission's REPowerEU plan — its wide-ranging strategy to end dependence on Russian fossil fuels, which includes an aim to reach 10 million tonnes of annual domestic hydrogen production by 2030, requiring between 90 GW and 100 GW of electrolyzer capacity.

"Hydrogen is an essential part of Europe's future energy sovereignty," Frans Timmermans, executive vice president for the European Green Deal at the commission, said in a statement. "The speed of development of the European hydrogen sector shows that we can decarbonize our economy and secure our independence from fossil fuels."

The Electrolyzer Partnershp was launched at the fourth meeting of the commission's European Clean Hydrogen Alliance, which brings together more than 1,600 organizations to support the deployment of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen.

In announcing the new partnership last month, the commission and 20 industry executives — including from manufacturers Siemens Energy AG, Nel ASA, SunFire GmbH and Cummins Inc. — said the EU is already leading the world on hydrogen technology but the ambition is to transform this into global commercial leadership.

Daniel Fraile, chief policy officer at lobby group Hydrogen Europe, another member of the partnership, described it as "a catalyst for advancing EU industrial leadership and fostering increased cooperation between manufacturers, key material suppliers and policymakers."

"We need to work at a strategic level to ensure that the renewable hydrogen consumed in Europe is done with European technology and that it contributes to a just energy transition creating jobs growth in Europe," Fraile said in a statement. "The Electrolyzer Partnership is the right vehicle to get this done."

The commission noted the availability of affordable raw materials as one challenge to upscaling Europe's production of electrolyzers. In many cases, the green hydrogen sector has to compete for materials with other industries, as the price of commodities has skyrocketed in recent months. The commission said it would work to partner with countries outside the EU and its economic zones on raw material supplies for electrolyzers.

"At the moment, we have too much dependence on South Africa ... for some of those components," Martin Lambert, senior research fellow and head of hydrogen research at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, said June 16 at the Financial Times' Hydrogen Summit in London. 

Electrolyzer manufacturers also see regulatory and financial bottlenecks that are preventing them from rapidly increasing their production capacity, the commission said. Legislation proposed by the EU at the end of May, laying out draft rules on what makes hydrogen green, aims to support the ramp-up of the renewable hydrogen market. However, it may stop some planned projects in their tracks because of what some players deem to be its strict requirements.

"We need the see [final investment decisions] start to flow [and] money start being made," Jon Andre Lokke, CEO of Norwegian electrolyzer-maker Nel, said at the Financial Times event. "We cannot be more ready. Now, it's basically up to the commission."

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