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   2022-07-18 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据海上工程师网2022年7月15日报道,能源分析公司Enverus Intelligence Research7月14日公布的最新统计数据

据海上工程师网2022年7月15日报道,能源分析公司Enverus Intelligence Research7月14日公布的最新统计数据显示,由于大宗商品价格波动导致买卖双方在资产价值上发生冲突,美国第二季度油气并购交易规模环比降至120亿美元,接近去年同期348亿美元的三分之一。 

Enverus Intelligence Research主管安德鲁•迪特马表示:“爆发地缘政治冲突以后大宗商品价格飙升,导致并购交易活动暂时陷入停滞,因为买家和卖家在资产价值上存在分歧。”


但迪特玛表示,第二季度的高价格引发了私募股权公司的并购兴趣,并刺激了一些交易。 Enverus的数据显示,私募股权卖家约占美国第二季度并购交易总额的80%。




美国第二季度其他价格最高的并购交易包括Grey Rock投资合作伙伴公司和Executive Network Partnering公司达成的13亿美元并购协议,共同组建Granite Ridge资源公司。

李峻 编译自 海上工程师网


U.S. Oil Mergers Drop to $12 Billion as Volatility Limits Deals

U.S. oil and gas dealmaking fell to $12 billion last quarter, down from the first quarter and nearly a third of the $34.8 billion in the same period a year ago, as commodity price volatility left buyers and sellers clashing over asset values, according to data released by energy analytics firm Enverus on Thursday.

"The spike in commodity prices that followed the war temporarily stalled M&A as buyers and sellers disagreed on the value of assets," said Andrew Dittmar, a director at Enverus Intelligence Research.

U.S. benchmark crude oil futures CLc1 prices surged to more than $123 a barrel in early March following the war, but prices have since cooled as recession worries moved to the forefront

But last quarter's high prices prompted M&A interest from private equity firms and spurred some deals, Dittmar said. Private equity sellers made up about 80% of quarter's total deal value, Enverus data showed.

This year's oil prices have led to a rush among private investors to put properties across the U.S. shale patch on the market, Dittmar said.

"The challenge is finding buyers willing to pay their asking prices," Dittmar added.

The Permian Basin of west Texas and New Mexico accounted for 46% of last quarter's deal value, making it the most active oil and gas region in the United States. The Rockies followed with 12%, Midcontinent with 6%, U.S. Gulf Coast with 5%, and the West Coast with 2%, according to Enverus data. The offshore Gulf of Mexico, eastern United States, and Alaska did not register deals.

about a third of the total deal value came from a merger between private Colgate Energy Partners III and Centennial Resource Development.

Other top deals by price last quarter included a $1.3 billion agreement between Grey Rock Investment Partners and Executive Network Partnering Corp to form Granite Ridge Resources.

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