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   2022-07-20 互联网综合消息


在EconoJournal新闻网站组织的天然气每日研讨会上,阿根廷第六大天然气生产商Pluspetrol的销售经理Adrián Burtnik说,出口液化天然气“将有助于将瓦卡姆尔塔页岩盆地的巨大天然气潜力货币化,因为它将足以供应当地市场和出口”




李峻 编译自 今日石油网


Argentina positioning for global gas supplier role

Argentina’s natural gas producers are setting their sights on exporting supplies to the world market as a project gets underway to build a new pipeline that will allow them to boost production from the Vaca Muerta shale play to supply an eventual LNG export terminal, several executives said July 15.

Exporting LNG “would help monetize the great potential of Vaca Muerta because it would be enough to supply the local market and export,” Adrián Burtnik, a sales manager at Pluspetrol, the country’s sixth-biggest gas producer, said at the Gas Day seminar organized by the EconoJournal news website.

Argentina has been seeking for years to develop Vaca Muerta, one of the world’s biggest shale plays, to export gas. A financial crisis since 2018, however, has delayed the advances beyond increasing output from the play. Indeed, the country’s total gas production rose 12.1% to 136 million cu m/d in May from 121.3 million cu m/d in the year-earlier month, led by a 39% increase to a record 76 million cu m/d in production from Vaca Muerta and tight plays, according to Energy Secretariat data.

The growth has taken total output to a level in line with the country’s average demand of 140 million cu m/d, with peaks of 180 million cu m/d in winter. This is boosting the chances of increasing exports, which are now limited to less than a total of 10 million cu m/d in deliveries to Brazil, Chile and Uruguay.

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