科技是第一生产力、人才是第一资源、创新是第一动力 加快建设科技强国,实现高水平科技自立自强
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   2022-07-19 互联网综合消息


墨西哥太平洋有限公司是位于墨西哥西海岸的北美液化天然气出口项目。LNG出口设施位于Sonora的Puerto Libertad。全面运营后,该设施将拥有3条生产线,总产能为1410万吨/年。该设施将于2026年开始商业运营。


墨西哥太平洋公司首席执行官Douglas Shanda表示:“我们很高兴壳牌成为我们液化天然气设施的基础客户。他们承认我们的地理位置提供了优势,包括获得低成本的二叠纪天然气,避免通过巴拿马运河以确保更短的到亚洲的运输距离,以及更低的陆地价格,这表明了北美西海岸LNG的价值。”

曹海斌 摘译自 世界天然气


Shell to buy 2.6 mtpa of LNG from Mexico Pacific

Shell Eastern Trading and a subsidiary of Mexico Pacific have signed a sales and purchase agreement for Shell to offtake 2.6 million tonnes per year (mtpa) of LNG from the first two trains of Mexico Pacific’s LNG export facility.

Mexico Pacific Limited is a North American LNG export project on the West Coast of Mexico. The LNG export facility is located in Puerto Libertad, Sonora. When fully operational, the facility will have three trains and a combined capacity of 14.1 mtpa. The facility is to start commercial operations in 2026.

Under the sales and purchase agreement, Shell will purchase LNG on a free-on-board basis over a term of 20 years.

“We are delighted to welcome Shell as a foundation customer at our anchor LNG facility,” said Douglas Shanda, CEO of Mexico Pacific. “Their recognition of the advantages our location offers, including access to low-cost Permian gas, avoidance of the Panama Canal to ensure a shorter shipping distance to Asia, and lower landed pricing, demonstrates the value of West Coast North American LNG.”

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